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Posts posted by relapse98

  1. 3 minutes ago, 'stache said:

     I'm just sick of this shit.

    To be fair - I'm at the point where it's fuck everyone who carried on this summer like normal. We knew school and sports were coming and yet we still carried on like there was nothing going on, knowing full god damned well that if the numbers were anywhere close to high, things were gonna be fucked up this fall. And yet, away they went on trips and hanging out with friends and family they don't live with. Fuck em. They caused this shit - that ain't on the government, that's on fuckers that know god damned well what's coming and played ostrich and will now piss and moan like 2 year olds when shit gets shut down again, just like in the late spring. Thanks, fuckers.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  2. 1 hour ago, bolverk said:

    Personally, I'd allow the locals to decide when and how to enforce any quarantine orders.

    You know, I'm usually of a local control kind of guy. I think we should have strong hot spot rules, like he's already done with hospitals and elective surgery. But I don't trust all those officials to do the right thing, hell, I can't even trust the governor to do the right thing. We've already had sheriffs come out and say f your state executive order, I'm not enforcing that. And as far as I can tell, there's nothing that can be done to force them to enforce it outside of the ballot box. The governor doesn't have any power to compel another elected official to do his job besides bullying him.

  3. 5 minutes ago, Bama Chick said:

    And the documented cases of that weird inflammatory disorder that has been showing up in kids post-infection is being brushed off as well.
    For a bunch that has been crying for years about pro-life and “ONE DEAD BABY IS ONE TOO MANY!” they sure seem to not give off the same energy.

    It's weird how a bunch of them focus on the death rate, and completely avoid the current hospitalization disaster and then the ongoing symptoms that some people are experiencing. Like - to them as long as you didn't die, it wasn't bad. Nevermind you may spend quite some time in a hospital or dealing with this shit for months (maybe longer).

    • Hook 'Em 1
  4. 13 minutes ago, Hank Scorpio said:

    I once won a jury trial and my client was awarded $1. Still counts as a win baby. 

    Mark Geragos talked about some lawyer he knew in Cali that won a $1 for his indigent client. And somehow that meant since the lawyer won, he got to bill the state for all his time spent or something. Memory is fuzzy but I think it was in one of his  Reasonable Doubt podcasts a couple weeks back.

  5. I think Abbott is out to piss off everyone in the state.

    TABC reverses new guidelines, forces breweries to close patios again

    TABC created an option for temporary license modifications to allow breweries to exclude the patio and outdoor beer gardens from their on premise license - so you could purchase the beer inside, then take it outside to drink. Then last night they reversed that and said they can't do that.

    Jesus fucking christ, figure it out. Really, go either way, but this bouncing back and forth within the same  week is insane.

  6. 2 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    Louisiana’s governor isn’t great either if it make you feel better. 

    Compared to his immediate predecessor, he's pretty good.

    I love how hated he is by the republicans in that state - he's a fairly conservative democrat, I'd have problems voting for him for his abortion views.

  7. Good news, I never approved of him.
    Now he's lost his conservative buddies too because they view him as a RINO.

    I think it took him too long to do what he's done and hasn't gone far enough.
    They think he's gone way too far.

    And funny, greggy is in the middle getting pummelled.

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  8. 23 minutes ago, Dnaguy said:

    If a fall surge happens like a lot of folks think and we’ve only flattened the curve, then turbofucked is what we’re going to be.

    Hell, forget surge. If we stay anywhere close to where we are now and we get a decent flu season, we are fucked. And Flu season is coming up quick. This is what those retards don't understand - we have hospital beds available now, because the governor stopped elective surgery in some areas. We can't get back to normal as it is right now. And the flu that they talk about being bad - just wait kiddies. When  you get covid + flu hitting our health system, that's not gonna be a good thing.

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  9. 43 minutes ago, Bookman said:

    Actual legislation to deal with this pandemic?

    What legislation - help me out here?
    We still have a republican senate and house that are pissed that Abbott has gone too far. So, exactly what legislation would these people that think he's gone too far create?
    And nevermind that the governor sets the special session agenda - so it'd still be him controlling what they discuss.

    I get wanting to have more heads looking at it, but those heads are f'ed up, so I don't see how that's an improvement.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  10. I like that the new deflection is to focus on how since 1/1, the Covid death rate per 100k in New York is much worse than Florida, Texas, Arizona, etc.
    Uhm yeah, I wonder if the doctors maybe learned something in New York that the southern states are now using to reduce the death rate.

    Whatever makes you sleep better, I guess, but feels like we might be trying to hide the fact that Florida and Texas are currently a dumpster fire.


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  11. 3 hours ago, Bookman said:

    I'd love to know why Abbott hasn't declared a special session. Should have done it in February or March at the latest.

    What would a special session accomplish? That would just turn into a shit show, and probably with less restrictions than what we currently have, which is not a good thing.

    Executive Orders are the right way, at this time, to do restrictions etc.

    Also note there are legislators and staffers not sure we will even have a regular session starting in January.

  12. 3 hours ago, bolverk said:

    Hope they double check the captol’s address before heading off to 1100 SOUTH Congress.

    They should also take not that it won't be at the Capitol as the grounds and building are currently off limits except to elected officials and staff.

  13. 12 hours ago, Lobo said:

    Kind of a dick move using Freddie's likeness considering another deadly, contagious virus took him out.  

    But I like the lyrical twist.  

    That was also a virus that our president and government completely fucked up their response to.

    Actually fits perfectly.

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  14. 47 minutes ago, bolverk said:

    Quick glance at that headline and I thought “That sounds about right. It’s awful but Texas is a big state.” Then, the county part registered. 👀😳😒

    Corpus Christi is really taking the corpus part of its name seriously.

    And everybody keeps going to Nueces County beaches, further spreading their ick, because... fuck if I know.

  15. There's no way the Texas GOP actually wants to hold this in person.
    I'd fucking call their bluff.

    And - they seriously did not have a plan B that was an online convention, like the Democrats did at the beginning of June? Like they see worldwide pandemic and just steam roll ahead with in person convention and don't even make a backup plan? I underestimate how dumb they are.

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