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Everything posted by skittlebrau

  1. Mixed use proposal for COTA http://www.austintexas.gov/edims/document.cfm?id=302658
  2. skittlebrau

    Austin FC

    Technically MLS @ F1 is their first option. Which is the stupidest option. And, would keep the team from moving here. Also no idea why PSV would want to work with the group trying to cockblock them.
  3. skittlebrau

    Austin FC

    Also another stupid set of questions from Leslie Pool posted to the Council message board.
  4. skittlebrau

    Austin FC

    Exactly. This whole thing is the bush league shit show we expected it to be. Looks like they found the key to the Aztex Twitter account.
  5. skittlebrau

    Austin FC

    Adler v Morrison, CodeNEXT and soccer would be one hell of a trifecta election for the forces of good vs evil in November.
  6. Those guys suck and I hope they fail. I’m still dubious that they ever get off the ground.
  7. skittlebrau

    Austin FC

    This much is true. But, they have a super short time frame. If my math is right, they need to get 20K signatures on a petition and get it certified by the city (which takes 10 days or so) by Aug 20 to make the November ballot.
  8. skittlebrau

    Austin FC

    Only took ten months from my original post on The Shag to today.
  9. skittlebrau

    Austin FC

    This thing is for real, dicks. Finally!
  10. skittlebrau

    Austin FC

    Austin’s past (Orlando FC) and future (CBus) playing their last game against each other tonight.
  11. skittlebrau

    Austin FC

    Tonight’s public info session at the library featured the same people, including me, saying the same shit they’ve said at five other meetings. What a valuable use of taxpayer funds.
  12. Troxy announced that there’s a mystery candidate who will file soon that shares her political ideology.
  13. Wait, is this 50 post to NSAA real? Because I feel like I have a lot more than that and no NSAA. But I'm also not good at reading directions.
  14. skittlebrau

    Austin FC

    ANOTHER public input session scheduled for McKalla. This time, at the Central Library on the evening of July 19. It’s almost like someone is intentionally trying to wear out the supporters. At least this one won’t go until 4 a.m.
  15. I believe it’s a Tom Petty cover band in Dallas featuring some local radio personalities.
  16. This is not good. No business is ever going to get done in this city with another tree hugger on the dais.
  17. skittlebrau

    Austin FC

    You gotta be known for something. I will not back down in the face of antimasturbatorism.
  18. skittlebrau

    Austin FC

    Brandywine developer now out in favor of MLS2ATX. Finally read the ABJ story about the council vote, and I’m quoted in it, so that makes the whole “staying until almost 4 a.m.” thing worthwhile.
  19. skittlebrau

    Austin FC

    Central Austin Elite The Warblers
  20. Posted about this guy in the soccer thread, but he has a solid platform of: - Building a dome over the city to keep Californians out - Giving APD flamethrowers I’m normally pretty Bernardy when it comes to police issues, but if our civil rights are going to be violated, it should be in spectacular fashion. Check him out at: https://twitter.com/thealexstrenger/status/987822695739002880?s=21
  21. skittlebrau

    Austin FC

    83% of testimony in favor, which mirrors the last poll PSV did. City folks I know seem to think we were good. When did you register? I was there from 5 pm on, except for a couple hours in the bar at the W with a couple other MLS 2 supporters, an insurance agent buddy, city lobbyists, a local TV personality, and the pedicab driver guy who's running on a platform of putting a dome over the city to keep Californians out and also giving APD flame throwers. He testified against it, but that guy is crazy enough that I love him. Looks like he tweeted this right after we left.
  22. skittlebrau

    Austin FC

    Except that city staff can fully evaluate all bids. So the Epstein bid can be seen as the fugazi it really is.
  23. skittlebrau

    Austin FC

    What a long night. Had my 60 seconds on the mic some time after 3.
  24. skittlebrau

    Austin FC

    It’s happening!!!!! Quite the roller coaster since October.
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