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Everything posted by skittlebrau

  1. skittlebrau

    Austin FC

    Gotta mitigate. Such a pointless discussion.
  2. skittlebrau

    Austin FC

    This is the truest statement of this entire painful ordeal.
  3. skittlebrau

    Austin FC

    Flannigan also compared her to the state senator who went to Russia to tell them to stop meddling in our elections. He seems very put out by the process.
  4. skittlebrau

    Austin FC

    “I’m disappointed and confused that an Austin elected official would seemingly care more about the perspective of soccer fans in Columbus compared to the city she’s elected to represent,” said Ensign, who accused Pool during the City Council meeting last Thursday of “stall tactics “I’m confused looking at some of her comments in the last week about wanting to remove the emotions from this argument and look more at the numbers, then she’s quoted in this Dispatch article talking about the emotional impact in Columbus.”
  5. skittlebrau

    Austin FC

    No need. Some of us are going down just to see the show, and see it through to completion after ten months, but there’s not a role for the public. Supporters group meetup @ Haymaker on Wednesday evening to celebrate or drown our sorrows.
  6. skittlebrau

    Austin FC

    And to make sure that there are an equivalent number of male and female racers at each event. To your question about amendments, there shouldn’t be any more, but I’m not certain about anything.
  7. skittlebrau

    Austin FC

    Excellent amendment analysis here. https://www.estadiomckalla.com/2018/08/amendments-from-in-flux-vote-council-members/
  8. That efficiency audit seems pretty politically motivated, but also a good idea. I didn’t know much about it, but watched the dicussion last night for almost an hour after soccer was done.
  9. skittlebrau

    Austin FC

    I really wish this guy would run against her: https://www.mystatesman.com/news/opinion/commentary-mls-austin-could-open-the-door-civic-opportunities/pP7xt1OH2akaH7LOhPLhpN/
  10. skittlebrau

    Austin FC

    Wednesday is not going to be a problem. Pool really sucks. Adler having to describe what a poison pill is to her right now. I think Jimmy should have an open mic to respond to everything that Pool and Alter say about everything. Would make all Council sessions must-see TV.
  11. skittlebrau

    Austin FC

    Supporters group showed up strong and called out Pool. Feeling very, very good right now.
  12. skittlebrau

    Austin FC

    67 in favor and 35 against among city hall registrants right now.
  13. skittlebrau

    Austin FC

    Some of us have gathered enough dirt to both win this thing tomorrow and make things very difficult on other soccer operations outside the city limits through this process. Some groups may have overplayed their hand and alienated the entire soccer community.
  14. skittlebrau

    Austin FC

    Agreed. These four are out. Garza/Kitchen/Casar are varying levels of “maybe.” Going to be tighter than it should be. Flannigan spitting fire at Pool/Alter and these other proposals during work session right now.
  15. skittlebrau

    Austin FC

    Ok, gang. This is the week. Because it’s Austin, we can fuck up any deal, no matter how good it is. If you want MLS in Austin to happen, there’s two things you can do. Email Council with your support. Be sure to list your district, so they know it’s coming from a constituent. Be specific about supporting soccer at McKalla Place. You can email them all here: http://www.austintexas.gov/email/all-council-members Show up this Thursday, August 9 at City Hall. Item 19 will probably be in the evening. Folks can stop by anytime during the day to sign up in support/speak in support of Item 19.
  16. skittlebrau

    Austin FC

    This was great right up until the first line when you ignored the fact that Domain is in the population center the the MSA and COTA is in the middle of fucking nowehere.
  17. All of those hole-in-one things are insured. The charity/company putting on the event pay the insurance company a super low price, and the insurance companies pays out if someone hits it. Cost is low because they almost never pay out. The policy has requirements about minimum distances/witnesses/etc and has to list the specific hole. The charity must have put the sign on the wrong hole, which means they didn’t have an insurance policy to back it up and were liable out of pocket.
  18. Impressive how far we’ve come. Today’s bench would clobber some of the lineups from the days of Woy.
  19. Making this about party politics is a huge mistake. This is a central Austin vs, everybody else thing, regardless of your political leaning. That’s where the current land development code and the last 80 years of politics have concentrated power. Beware of candidates getting a huge amount of $$$ from the core.
  20. Too damn far to drive out there for anything other than a race. Elroy FC would be a better name.
  21. I’d say it’s a combination of several things: - Wanting to keep out the poors, who are largely brown and black based upon simple demographics - Implicit bias toward single family, which exacerbates the segregationist history of Austin’s land development code - Central Austin liberal elite who want equality as long as it doesn’t affect them and they get to call the shots - Fuck you, pay me
  22. skittlebrau

    Austin FC

    Apparently he’s never been to an event at COTA if he thinks the workforce and infrastructure is a plus.
  23. “We will find a way to keep out the brown people.”
  24. Agree on the leadership vacuum, wholeheartedly. I know some in the business community pulled support from Adler after he rolled over on sick leave, but are grudgingly back in the game because of his opponent. The only good thing I can say about this is that the money we spent on Code NEXT was a sunk cost. We were moving very quickly toward a land development outcome that would have cost the city far more. I hold some outside hope that we can rethink the process and come up with something better. It’s also quite possible that we can come up with something better in D1 after November.
  25. skittlebrau

    Austin FC

    Lobo appears quite uninformed. Or is an Epstein mark.
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