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  1. I think the main issue is that Biden wanted to make a talking point of being progressive with his picks and announced that he was going to select a black woman for both VP and SCOTUS well before the decision was made. Harris and Jackson were both qualified for those high ranking roles, but intending to only look for those qualities first, narrows the search in a way that is perceived as being racially biased. The proper way to do it is to simply announce the person and focus on their qualifications as to why they were chosen. If Democrats want to lead on this issue, that's how it should be handled. Keep putting qualified minorties in those positions, but treat it as normal and common and it will eventually be an afterthought.
  2. If Gov Tim Walz is the pick, I think he will do great. I watched a few interviews of him and other candidates this week, and I do like him a lot. Perusing his twitter feed there is a lot of really positive stuff that will resonate with many voters:
  3. The "laughin Kamala" thing reminds me of a criticism they had against Hillary in 2016. There was of course the same accusations against her like calling it a "cackle" a "hyena laugh" etc, but there was one particular instance they clung to. They framed a short clip as "laughing at getting a pedo off on a technicality." There was an interview Hillary gave many years before the election in which she talked about her time as a defense attorney. There was a segment of it where her and the interviewer laugh at the outcome of the case they mention. What they leave out is the context of it, where iirc the prosecution had requested DNA testing to get evidence from the victim's clothes. In the process, the testing company cut out all the pieces of the clothes they tested, and did not return those cutouts. She successfully argued that this was essentially destroying the evidence, as they couldn't corroborate the results themselves. She and the interviewer were laughing at how inexplicably stupid it was of the prosecution to destroy their main piece of evidence and lose the case due to it. Those details don't show up in the 8 second clips you see on social media,but that's what these things get reduced to by unserious people who simply don't care about the truth.
  4. I think we all know that when JD Vance enters the upholstery, it's no longer a couch and it becomes a loveseat.
  5. It's been a while, but I think your point goes to show why it was so important to replace Biden. He wasn't really campaigning, he wasn't doing the dirty work of politics and mudslinging, he couldn't make a cogent argument during the debate and throw it back in Trump's face. Harris will do that, her VP pick will as well.
  6. I would hope that Harris being a former prosecutor is just as annoyed with Garland as this board is. I don't know who she would pick to replace him, but I would hope she has someone chomping at the bit to go after some of these guys.
  7. Absolutely, they have a ton of options that makes this VP pick a luxury at this point, and lets them focus on what will help win the election, rather than who their BMDs want to choose. It's also great to let this pick come slowly so that all these candidates get some more national exposure to the electorate and allow them to position themselves and the party for more gains in the future. You know some of these term limited governors are going to wind up in Cabinet positions or maybe running for a Senate seat in the future, and they could be doing great things down the line. Contrast that with the R's and their seemingly defacto pick for a few weeks was sunk by her own biography because she thought a story about putting down a dog was relevant to who she is. And their current VP pick is a guy who may or may not have American Pie'd a latex glove stuck in a couch cushion. Just incredible to behold.
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