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Certifiably Surly
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Js1 last won the day on October 21

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80394 Surly 1%

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  1. This is almost where I am, I will post mine later when I get home
  2. I’m also tired of being told I should have sympathy for a group that is voting for my community to become third class citizens and stripped of the right to marry, adopt kids and should be classified as mentally ill or pedophiles
  3. Yeah, last I checked, a Trump admin isn’t going to be kind to my people either.
  4. and that’s why I won’t feel sorry for them. Im not doing this anymore. We all disagree with you, and you have a right to your own opinion. That’s still allowed, for now
  5. Look, I hate what’s happening in Gaza. I’ve been to Israel, I’m half Jewish, and I fucking hate Israel and Bibi especially. But what I hate more is people voting against their own interests to own someone. What’s gonna happen in Gaza and in the US under Trump is going to be 100x worse than the last few years under Biden. Guaranteed. Presidential elections are neither the time nor the place to throw tantrums.
  6. Remember, they did media studies that the more negative she went on Trump, the more it hurt her numbers. Voters responded way better to her positive ads.
  7. This is exactly what the campaign should continue to tell people to keep them focused. No complacency, nothing.
  8. This was based on 2022 style voting, which is going to mirror 2024 voting (about a quarter of the total votes by mail and 75% in person). He did not derive that number based on how people voted in 2020, because it was much more polarized mail vs in person He accurately called both the 2022 races and 2023 SCOPA race.
  9. Fuck them. I won’t cry when they get deported or their entire family gets nuked in Gaza
  10. So continuing to add 15-25k per day. 348k now (D/R) puts the 390k there reachable at Thursday (if you average 20k a day today + tomorrow) 30k a day (D/R + I) would give you 500k by Monday (probably from the weekend dump)
  11. Good, glad he is going to appear with her
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