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Certifiably Surly
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Js1 last won the day on July 25

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  1. Well I can tell you that! Michigan: Trump +2 MN: Harris +6 PA: Harris +2 WI: Tie
  2. Not bad results for using RVs still. The switch to LVs in September means more
  3. WE don’t actually know anything. We are all speculating.
  4. I’m still seeing exactly what I saw pre-debate - this looks like 2020 redux in terms of the outcome.
  5. Lol it sort of boils down to an embrace of authenticity and confidence in oneself, flaws and all.
  6. Texas made the top 4 for 6’2 wing Grace Knox out of CA. Ranked #8 in HoopGurlz Texas, Tenn, Southern Cal, LSU
  7. When you've lost this piece of shit, you've really fucked up
  8. She took herself out of it a while ago. And that's fine - she's a co-chair of the campaign and she's awesome.
  9. The whole schedule can't be bangers and that's fine
  10. “You’re just like that girl who is a little messy and likes to party and maybe says some dumb things sometimes. Who feels herself but maybe also has a breakdown. But kind of like, parties through it, is very honest, very blunt. A little bit volatile. Like, does dumb things. But it’s brat. You’re brat. That’s brat,” she said in the video.
  11. I feel like Cooper has been very very quiet. Compared to the others. Not much a rollout campaign?
  12. So it’s a governor. Kelly is probably out. Back to thinking Walz or Beshear
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