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Pam Cummings

Certifiably Surly
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  1. Excuse me sir is this your first time on this website? I guess i should be asked the same thing since I'm defending a Derka take.
  2. It's still not the same though. Derka isn't on our payroll to play football and Quinn isn't posting here. Or at least I hope not.
  3. Already seen Redick do a better job in 1 game as a coach than anything I ever saw from Ham.
  4. Lulz, I used to be like this but not anymore. Come on man. We know what Ewers is being paid. The days of "don't be critical of college kids, they're just out there giving their best" are done. You wanna make money with the big boys you get to take the criticisms too.
  5. As a golfer, there's definitely such thing as a good bogey. Call got changed so.....good bogey?
  6. Pam Cummings


    Damn. I swear the purple margs are what kept that place afloat.
  7. People are either really bad at math or just say things because they think they sound good. "We don't have an income tax" sounds good until you realize that the fuckers are going to just rape you on property taxes. It's regressive and hurts middle class people.
  8. This is probably the closest thing to correct. Also, this is how you rant. Good stuff.
  9. I would have been fine keeping Arch in. I don't assume we would have been blown out or anything. I just found the idea of Arch playing bad and us being blown out and this board not melting down about it to be precious. I hated the huge sack he took more than the fumble. It was such a derpy play by him.
  10. That play is a key moment for sure. Seemed like it all started to pile on after that.
  11. Yeah that was dumb. Mac Jones got drafted in the first round based on what he did in Sark's offense.
  12. So let me get this straight. Yall seem to think that if Arch plays and plays really bad and we get blown out anyway that it "wouldn't have been worse" than what actually happened. Us getting blown out by Georgia with Arch looking not good would have really been handled well by all of the super mature adults here. Definitely wouldn't be melting down about it. Uh huh.
  13. Mikael Bridges shot might be the dumbest thing I've ever seen. Fucking looks like Barkley's golf swing.
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