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  1. With imma standing on the bow like George Washington
  2. I don’t know about that baggage tag. I used to be platinum or whatever back with continental. To me it just seemed like it slowed the whole process down just so they could sort the luggage to get them out first I don’t fly much anymore so who knows
  3. To be fair a thunderstorm or two probably came through Atlanta during this. 50% of the time I go through there I get screwed by one
  4. I know what you are talking about and can’t remember the name either. the one on Brodie has them sometimes as well. Wish Heb would carry them Definitely very good
  5. Texas should steal him
  6. What kind of battery setup do you have. Kind of interested in this approach. Any links would be appreciated
  7. Combo of 2&3 and partying most likely
  8. Oh. We were there Friday evening. And they even got a good rainstorm. God probably knew us whiteys were passing through
  9. It actually is. Haven’t been through there in ages. I was surprised. Didn’t see one bad hombre
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