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Posts posted by ApocalypseTexas

  1. 3 minutes ago, South Austin said:

    Pete Kwiatkowski, there's a call for you on line 1. 

    This is great and so true.  


    Someone posted earlier Gary Patterson is the wild card.   100% believe this to be true and the most import aspect for this team for this season.  

    • Hook 'Em 1
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  2. 3 minutes ago, LTtxfan said:

    Fuck all the preseason negativity -- we've fuckin' heard enough till they actually play ULM game...


    Let's Fuckin' Go !!! 🤘

    SOB how did we lose this game shit shit shit..................................

    • Hook 'Em 1
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    • Rage+1 3
  3. Ok Wulaaaaw Hooolaaaw Horn, You tell a pretty good story sir, but grab a plate and accept your fate.


    My name’s Tex, and it might be a sin, but I’ll take your bet; you’re gonna regret ‘cause I’m the best there’s ever been.  


    Let me tell you all a little true story that happened this week.  


    My family and I are sitting at this run down dive buffett place down South minding our own business.  Literally just trying to choke down this garbage food, when all the sudden my son yell’s out “fuck you mother fucker”.  Now my family has had a damn long day and now we are having to deal with this slop food and this one guy at a table across the way is sitting there coughing up a pandemic with no care in the world.  


    Just from the look on this guy's face I know he thinks my son is a sociopath, and to tell you the truth at this point in the day I can’t really blame the guy.  My son yells out “cover your mouth when you fucking cough or I’m going to go over there and shut your fucking mouth for you.”  It’s embarrassing because my son is screaming this at the top of his lungs.  My wife and I are stunned and just sitting there staring at this giant plate of bullshit food hoping to make it through dinner without some major issue.  


    This dude is like 20 feet or so away with his face buried in his phone like a teenage school girl just minding his own business and I doubt he even knew he was coughing up a pandemic.  He had snot and mucus dripping from his nose and mouth like a leaking faucet.  Every time he coughed he was showering the area in this disgusting combination of germs and slim.  


    I’m certain he thought we were crazy. We were all wearing these ridiculous LSU windbreakers and matching Tiger caps.  You see it was my mother in laws (crazy ass bitch) birthday and she has always been a die hard Tiger fan so my wife gets this fucking nut idea to go around to her favorite all time places and take a family photo dressed as LSU fans.  Crazy ass shit right? But what do you do?..................Well anyway it's hotter than hell’s ass, I’m trying to eat this slop food, and I got this stiff over here coughing like he is trying to contaminate the whole state of Texas.  


    My son has lost his freaking mind. He absolutely hates Lousianna and everything it stands for.  The food there is worse than this slop bucket we are eating right now and the party atmosphere there is dog shit boring.  The state has a reputation of off the hook debauchery but I myself find it overrun with religion and revival.  Every time I go visit my crazy ass mother in law, I am treated like a king and feel like I have entered the mecha of royalty.  However, parting with LSU fans in Omaha that year my son played them in the college world series was terrible.  Worst fans in the world but when 20k of them came to Austin for that game a few years back I found them quite enjoyable.  


    I worry about playing them once we join the SEC. I have watched Brian Kelly dance with his recruits and I know we are in trouble.  In the meantime I guess I can find solace in beating up on their little brother ULM who truly is the power school of Lousianna.  


    Oh yeah, that dude at the table…. Come to find out he is some big shot lawyer or mortgage dude from Austin and rumor has it he has a TikTok addiction and the only Dr in the Country that can treat him has an office in Humble Texas of all places.  Wait staff at that slop buffett say he comes in two or three times a week just to get away and sits for hours at his table, nose buried in his phone watching TikTok like a fourteen year old school girl.  


    Beat ULM. First game of the rest of the season I can't wait.


    Texas 58

    ULM 17


    Bijan 158 rushing 2 TD 61 receiving 1 TD


    By the way the Mullet throws 3 TD and no INT.  


    Hook’em Horns!!!

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  4. Do we have a leader on defense yet?  Not a blow hard verbal guy but a true alpha dog leader?  Until we have that this defense will struggle.  

    please please please stop talking about Foster makes me want to break shit just thinking about his lack of effort.

  5. 27 minutes ago, Nivek said:

    Houston passed on VY. They are owned and operated by either morons or people not interested in winning football games.

    This should read (They are owned and operated by morons, people who are not interested in winning football games.) Either and or does not apply to this franchise.  

  6. 1 hour ago, TreatyOak said:

    Can any of our astute lawyers here explain this to me? He refused a blood alcohol test at the crash and then had his blood tested two hours later. If he refused the test onsite, how was law enforcement able to administer one two hours later? Did they need an emergency court order to do so?

    "On Tuesday, his lawyers are scheduled to argue in court that Las Vegas police had no legal reason to request a warrant for blood to be drawn from Ruggs the morning of the crash. Police did not conduct a field sobriety test at the site of the crash. A police report said that Ruggs refused. Ruggs' lawyers plan to argue that any blood alcohol test result should not be allowed as evidence because there was no probable cause to believe Ruggs was driving under the influence. Authorities say Ruggs' blood alcohol content, measured two hours after the crash, was 0.161 -- more than twice the legal limit in Nevada."

    No lawyer but I bet they obtained a warrant for a blood sample.  Common practice in all fatality accidents.  

    • Hook 'Em 1
  7. I believe this was a very calculated move by Saban he knew there would be fallout he also knew this would bring everything to the national spot light.  He knows bama can not compete with NIL his statements are essentially his “broken arrow”. Blow it all up and start over because he knows there is no going back now

    • Hook 'Em 1
  8. 1 hour ago, Napoleon said:


     I like it!

    Get ready to work your ass off and help usher in a new arena!

    Work your ass off lol please show me the last player that “worked his ass off” that has played at Texas 


    I am happy for the commitment but he is not coming here to work his ass off he is here to be pampered and do just enough to get to the next level

    • Fuck You 10
  9. Surely we have some posters that have some knowledge on how this actually works and maybe some examples to share.  


    I have a couple questions.

    If the "bag game" is so prevalent in college football why don't we hear more stories or incidents about players that flipped the switch on the bag men, took the money and went to a different school.  The only incident I have ever heard of is Eric Dickerson and that was a long time ago.  What is to keep a kid from flipping to another school once he has the money?  It's not like these kids are dealing with the cartel or something these boosters that are paying players are what, a bunch of rich fans fronting money? What can they really do if I kid gets the money and walks away giving them the finger as he goes?  There are all kinds of dynamics to this issue that are never discussed.  All you hear about is players are being paid on the side etc etc but I have never really seen the big story about a player that was paid.  

    Is there an ESPN 30for30 or some other show that really dives into players being paid?  I know it happens I have personally talked to division one players from the 80's that were given money handshakes after a game but none were given money up front to go that school.  

    Anyone have any good stories I mean we are in the off season now and this is recruiting related lets get it all out there.  

  10. 11 minutes ago, D3zii said:

    So when Ewers comes, is it a guarantee he starts?? Like are we telling him come here and you’ll start?? 
    What if Casey maybe decides to stay and battle it out in the spring?? 

    im just asking, because the other day I watched all our games up til halftime against OU. . 
    before Thompson hurt his hand in my honest opinion idk how the rest of the season would have gone but going off his play before then he would have been an easy pick to go to New York for a lot of awards and most likely in the heisman   race. He definitely wasn’t perfect but man he looked good . 

    Are you sure you watched the right team and the right Casey?

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