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Posts posted by hacker

  1. Hit the driving range this am.  Holy hell it was balls hot. Fixed my driver somewhat but the funny stuff:

    guy warming up to play:  I’m gonna tee off with my hybrid to keep it in the fairway

    me thinking I whispered:  fuck that


    Apparently, I was a little loud and his group heard me. All is well because his buddies laughed.

    I’m not backing down from that philosophy though.  

  2. 19 hours ago, dcbc said:

    Dry January should help me push through

    Weighing in at 195, I'm using this as a kick-start to the New Year.   I'm skinny fat with a solid beer belly.  Throw is some arthritic ankles too.  Hoping an improved diet, decent amount of exercise and reduced alcohol consumption will get me back to where I want to be.


    • Hook 'Em 1
  3. On 8/4/2023 at 2:12 PM, slorch said:

    As lovers of beer, what's your approach when you travel or in an unfamiliar restaurant that is NOT beer-centric?

    I don’t have much shame. I’ll casually stroll by the taps on the way to the restroom if I have to

    i don’t complain when others ask about the wine list so I also don’t mind asking what’s on tap. I may a try to narrow it down based on style preference 

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