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Posts posted by 4Pete

  1. I didn't love Endgame for a variety of reasons, but I am looking forward to seeing Mackie as Cap and, so far, I like his rapport with Sebastian Stan.  Marvel needs more levity and these two could provide that.  Loki could be a fun ride, as well, because villains are always more fun than heroes.  Got the feeling Marvel never expected Hiddleston to become a favorite or make Loki such an endearing villain.  

    And, of course, all of these Disney Plus asides are a money grab, but I'm interested to see how they build the characters.  I'd rather have the serials like this than the three hour overrated blockbusters that just end up one well-choreographed special effect after another and plot lines that even the writers can't keep up with from one movie to the next, much less explain.  Even if comics don't really need explanations by nature, I'd appreciate more cohesive plots.  But I realize that the beauty is that they can kill and resurrect with impunity and without logic and that's the point of comics.  I fully expect RDJ and Evans to miraculously reappear in coming years with little need of a plausible explanation... Tony was biding his time / Steve never liked the past he was just waiting to rescue Nat with some new Pym blah blah blah.  

  2. Saw Beer Belly Chin Pubes Liucci at HLSR tonight.  Hitting on an over-served underage girl near the petting zoo.  He had a 2-3 man posse with him.  I can only assume they were watching the market lamb show.


    Absolutely every word of that is 100% true and I couldn't make that up if I tried.

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  3. Oh, I don't know... maybe they hung up on the policeman's charity that calls twice a week trying to extort -- I mean solicit -- donations. 

    I'm sure we'll get more hellacious stories about Bonnie, Clyde and Cujo, before HPD faces the music. 


    This isn't surprising.  It's sad.  It's infuriating.  But none of this is shocking anymore.  

    • Like 1
  4. Sigh... it's 2019.  People just need to get out of women's medical business.  Even fucking Ireland has decided to enter the 21st century.  It's time America did the same. 

    Leave it to the lady herself and her lady parts doctor.  

    • Like 4
  5. 1 hour ago, elfenix said:

    only other time i've seen one in the middle of houston was one crossing memorial drive in the park at about 3:30 am.

    I travel down Memorial a lot at night and have seen coyotes a couple of times between the Arboretum and the parking lots.  Usually on the south side of the road.

  6. 5 hours ago, Celery Man said:

    So they broke into the house and shot the dog?

    Somebody shoots my dog, they're getting shot, too.  We may all die, but they aren't getting out unscathed unless they kill me first.

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