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Everything posted by dbecks

  1. And in doing so, becomes the first pitcher since the great Firpo Marberry in 1924 to start a World Series game after pitching in relief the day before.
  2. Eddie Rodriguez gets the start tonight for Boston.
  3. #1-4 in the Sox lineup went 0-28 last night. Yeesh.
  4. Yeesh... that was a rough one last night. Not bragging or anything, but that isn’t the first 18-inning Sox game I’ve witnessed (although I do hope it is the last). I actually saw this one in person: https://www.baseball-reference.com/boxes/TEX/TEX200108250.shtml
  5. You can’t blame Cora by going for the jugular... but the Sox aren’t exactly sitting pretty now, even if they’re the “better” team with a 2-1 series lead, because: -Eovaldi sits until Game 6 (most likely) -Kimbrel just threw over 1 inning (with 28 pitches) -Price was used -Drew Fucking Pomeranz(!) is now your de-facto starter in a World Series Game 4
  6. This ends in the 17th. Calling it now.
  7. Still 20 mins till last call in Texas...
  8. He’s definitely “loose” by now
  9. If it’s a .205 hitter up next... maybe.
  10. Christ, Nuñez. Stay alive for tomorrow.
  11. I can’t imagine a GM saying, “yes, let’s pay Machado $400,000,000” this offseason... but it’ll happen.
  12. Still don’t see why they didn’t do this, but again, I didn’t manage a team to 108 wins this year.
  13. Fuck it, bring in Pomeranz and get this shit over with.
  14. Just start every inning with two outs.
  15. They always wear the dark blues on Friday nights. They look very BP-ish, but I’ve grown to like em.
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