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Posts posted by Cody2422

  1. 1 hour ago, Jkwellborn said:

    My boss is from the area so it’s understandable. But man are they a clusterfuck.

    It’s because most cowboys fans are unbearable assholes when it comes to football. They are as bad as fucking aggy when it comes to bragging about made up bullshit stats, wins, losses, next year, what ifs, the refs fucked us, dez caught it, and any other dumb shit they can think of. It’s an absolute beating to talk to most of those mouth breathers about football, particularly if the cowboys win a couple of games in a row.

    I’d say those fans are the minority.  Maybe you need better friends who aren’t assholes.  I feel like my Sunday’s are dejavue of my Saturday’s watching the longhorns play.  My wife asks me why I put myself through it.  It’s because I’m a fan, and I’ll root for my team regardless of whether they suck or not.  OTOH, I could just switch my allegiance and be a patriots and bama fan. 

  2. I think the more relevant question is why do fans of other teams feel the need to check in on the cowboys every time they play and lose and post memes and talk shit to cowboys fans on social media?  Why do y’all care so much?  We cowboys fans know we suck, and have an awful owner.  But we aren’t going out of our way to point out every time the saints, giants, texans, redskins, eagles, etc shit the bed.  

    • Like 1
  3. Also bugs me for flights with assigned seats and boarding groups, American Airlines, for instance, why board the front of the plane in the first group?  To make them feel special?  We all leave at the same time, if they boarded the back in group 1, the process would go so much smoother.  I’m flying home today, I’m surly

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  4. A lot more surly-ites in the golden triangle than I would have thought.  I was in and out of TPC during the last 3 years, that place always made me nervous.  Right behind this one would be Exxon O&A and Exxon refinery.  Always felt pretty safe in Motiva and Total

    one of my neighbors is on the emergency response team from TPC, Scary stuff

  5. 9 minutes ago, pyrohornIII said:

    This seems to be the pervasive mindset of the right when it comes to these two issues.  Having watched debates and read many articles on both these topics (from sources other than Fox, Breitbart, etc), I don't get that those two approaches are planks in any Democratic platform.    I'm not arguing.  However, I would really be interested in your citations or sources for those two allegations. 

    See Beto For one recent example. I’m not trying to argue either, one way or another.  My point is that neither party is acting in good faith to the people they serve.  I’d venture to guess that most all of America would be love to solve this problem.  But our politicians get into office and serve for 25-30 years, become beholden to their lobbyists and begin serving their own interests.  It’s been mentioned up thread, we haven’t had a shooting recently and no one was talking about it.  You think they were diligently working on coming up with a solution on capital hill?  Doubtful.  But now, you’ll see the usual players flock to the media to get their air time, self serving, and tug on everyone’s heart strings.  The usual republicans will begin talking about the slippery slope, misuse of red flag laws, better outlaw cars, etc.  Never let a good conflict go to waste.  Republicans do it every time there is a terrorist attack.  Better hurry up and strip some more civil liberties from everyone.  By the way, what happened to the children at the border who were being locked in cages?  What happened to the squad?  Our ADD population moved on and so did the media and politicians.  It’ll be the same fucking story this time.  

    • Like 1
  6. 56 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:


    See the bolded above, and see the quote directly above.

    I would LOVE to see that kind of thinking applied to: gun violence.  The war on drugs.  Immigration.  The threat of terrorism.  Just for starters.

    Think I should waste a single second of my day hoping for that to happen?  Yeah, me neither. 

    When we have one party that reacts to gun violence with "don't do anything, not a single thing with respect to gun control -- but actually wait, let's arm EVERYONE, including teachers!", and they react to illegal immigration with "deport everyone! build a wall!  close the border!", it's pretty clear we're not going to have a rational, good-faith discussion about anything.

    But what do I know?  I'm just a half-messican gun owner who doesn't want my kids to get shot at school.

    See bolded part above.  No one wants to have a conversation.  You seemed to somewhat agree with what I was saying, but then promptly resorted to “but the republicans don’t want to do what we want”. No fuck that.  I can play that game too.  “But when you have one party who immediately says let’s confiscate all guns from law abiding citizens.  And lets solve the immigration issue by not having a border!”  Republicans suck. Democrats suck.  

    term limits is a good start to solve most of our problems 

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    • Fuck You 1
  7. It’s fucking horrific, but my guns still haven’t killed anyone.  I’m sure everyone advocating for gun control laws on here habe voluntarily turned in all of their guns, if you owned any in the first place.  Rogan and Crenshaw has an interesting discussion on this, it’s so complicated that any one reaction is probably going to be an over reaction and not solve the problem.  I don’t know the answer.  I have one kid in 1st grade and a toddler.  It fucking turns my stomach to even think of this happening in our community, but I don’t know the answer and I’m not going to shout from the rooftop that “this one thing”, whatever it may be, is going to solve the problem.  Truthfully, until our politicians start acting like fucking human beings and not deciding policies on sound bytes nothing will be solved.  

    • Like 4
  8. 3 hours ago, Hornius Emeritus said:

    32+ inches in 24 hours and still raining.


    Yeah that 32.2 inch dot is fannett, Texas.  Closer to 40 inches now, like bearschlong said, everyone who flooded in Harvey out here flooded again and lots of people that didn’t, flooded this time.  I’m one of the fortunate ones that did not flood.  Lots of people in need right now reliving a nightmare.  We had 50 inches during Harvey but it came down over several days, most of this came down between 8pm last night and 8am this morning.  

  9. 1 hour ago, Hagbard Celine said:


    i think this was posted upthread.  the comedy value is measured in parsecs.  aggy get owned over and over and over and they just bounce back like a game of whack-a-mole.

    it literally is impossible to get them to shut the fuck up.

    Sure was a whole lot of talk about “score board” on that thread.  Layups and no one capitalized.  Disappointing 

  10. Any non op investors on here?  We are looking at a deal and trying to raise the funds to acquire, quick close, operated assets, ~200 bbls per day, easy low capital upside.  Buying on pdp only, PM me for more details and a CA if you are interested.  Timing is tight as we are trying to get capital commitment by May 31. 

  11. 26 minutes ago, Gene Parmesan said:

    Serious question.  This seems like a lawyers wet dream scenario, yet it's still standing.  So what gives?

    Free will.  Not sure about rwpc but when you skydive or participate in other activities where you could die or be injured, you sign a waiver and you acknowledge the risk.  People die everyday.  It’s what we do.  I love the “make it illegal” over reactions by some of the people on here.  That works so well, keeps people from being murdered and over dosing every day

  12. 2 hours ago, Murfdogg21 said:

    This girl eating at Taco Cabana has a maroon T-shirt that reads “The Cambridge of College Station.” Is that some official slogan where they compare their academics to Harvard and MIT?

    Can’t even get the analogy right 

    • Like 1
  13. Not exactly sure if I fall into the alcoholic category but nonetheless, today makes 60 days with no drink.  Longest I’ve gone without drinking in 17 years.  I’ll share more at a later date but can’t spill details of my situation on the www just yet.  God speed everyone 

    Joshua 1:9 

    Conquer the Fear

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  14. I’m not exactly old but the thought just dawned on me. Before review was instituted I don’t remember but a few plays per week that were controversial. Then there were a few that were key in getting review implemented. Now it seems as if there are 10 per game. The refs are getting lazy.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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  15. I had a direct tv box get fried. After spending an hour with technical support and then the supervisor, I could not get them to send me a new box. They were going to send a tech, who was going to determine that I needed a new box. Only a $99 service call. But no worries, we can waive that fee but we will enroll you in the 8.99/month equipment warranty. Wait, I don’t own this equipment, why would I pay for warranty? Finally said fuck it I hate dtv, get me customer retention, I’m out. Customer retention sends me a new box, free of charge and upgrades my sports package so I have LHN and can watch the game tonight. CSB

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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