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Posts posted by Brandywine

  1. On 5/1/2018 at 8:22 PM, SuingToGetAMessageBoard? said:

    I hope for resignation, but I bet he makes it to the next election, and if he makes it to the next election, he gets re-elected.  He’ll do the same thing on stage he did last time and people will love him for it like last time and the polls won’t reflect that like last time and people will cast the same ballots as last time.  PT Barnum made a ton of money on people going back to the circus.  Jan 2025. 

    If the Dems go down the same road, as far as a candidate like last time, then you are spot on. If he gets reelected, history says his second term will be worse than the first, and when he leaves for good the GOP will be in such bad shape, from the whole experience of the last 8 years, that it will take a decade, maybe two, for them to recover. I keep thinking he's going to expire in office. 

  2. 2 hours ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    It’s looking pretty obvious Trump is a sex addict with money, who thought he could buy whatever he wanted, when he wanted it, and no one would know, as long as he had Cohen to cover the stink up. Can’t believe he thought he would get away with people not finding out in today’s 24 hour cable news life. And of course the lies to cover it up keep pilling higher and higher and the rope tighter and tighter. He’s starting to forget what’s lies he’s already said before he says the next lie.

  3. 7 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    The only reason I can come up with for this Giuliani move is to distract from some much worse news that’s about to drop.  

    Flood the information space with sex scandal to distract from treason scandal?

    I dunno, seems like a bold strategy Cotton.

    Or, he’s just stupid in his old age. 

  4. 3 hours ago, DFWTexEx said:

    A film is being made of your life.  You get to pick the music.  Assuming you don’t just get the music of your favorite band(s), who do you get to write the score or put together the soundtrack (living, dead, old, young, etc.)?

    ·       Williams (Star Wars, Jaws, ET, Close Encounters, Indiana Jones, Jurassic Park, Harry Potter…..)

    ·       Newman (Toy Story, The Natural, Ragtime, Cars, Monsters, Inc.)

    ·       Bernstein (West Side Story, classical stuff, Broadway)

    ·       Mancini (Breakfast at Tiffany’s, Pink Panther. Peter Gunn)

    ·       Barry (Dances with Wolves, Bond films)

    ·       Jarre (Doctor Zhivago, Dead Poets, Lawrence of Arabia)

    ·       Vangelis (Chariots of Fire, Blade Runner)

    ·       Zimmer (Lion King, Gladiator, Thin Red Line, Dark Knight, Inception)

    ·       Horner (Titanic, Wrath of Khan, Aliens, Braveheart)

    ·       Tarrantino

    ·       Herrman (Psycho, Taxi Driver, Citizen Kane)

    I’m sure y’all will think of others.

    For me:  Morricone.  Easy choice.  He was great at adventure, romance, sweeping "big moments",  and simple beautiful moments.  I could listen to the music from Cinema Paradiso and the Mission every day.  The Good, the Bad, the Ugly is still amazing.

    Great topic! Morricone is a great choice. Love his music. Cinema Paradiso is my favorite of his.

    My choice would be John Barry or Thomas Newman. Both have a way with a simple melody that they can carry throughout a film that sets the mood. Newman’s American Beauty is a perfect score. With Barry, there are so many: Lion in Winter, You Only Live Twice, Out of Africa and Somewhere in Time or a few.

  5. I thought Michelle Wolf was brilliant, uncomfortable at times, but brilliant. Trump is a chicken shit gutless scaredy cat. He can give it, and boy he gives it like a schoolyard bully, but he can’t take it when someone gives it back to him. Basically he was hiding behind Conway and Sanders. And Michelle Wolf was absolutely right, the press created Trump after practically making people watch his every move 24/7 during the campaign. Trump should be kissing their ass for giving him the Presidency, them and Russia. And Michelle achieved what she wanted - there are a lot of people talking about her today. 

    • Like 4
  6. 5 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    Cliff notes of Trump rally

    ”I support the rule of law”

    ”Have you seen these caravans coming in?!”

    ”We must build wall.”

    ”Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer suck.”

    ”How about Gorsuch?!”

    “Nancy Pelosi and her gang must be voted out of office.”

    ”How about those tax cuts and jobs created?!”

    ”Country is doing much better than stock market.”

    ”I can’t let other countries take advantage of us”

    Man in crowd shouts I love you Trump

    ”I love you too”

    USA USA USA chant 

    Trump verbally sucks off Xi of China


    I’VE done more since I’VE been in office since they started electing Presisidents. It’s unbelievable how much I’VE done considering the Democrats have done nothing to help ME. ITS AMAZING HOW WONDERFUL, SMART AND INCREDIBLY GOOD LOOKING I AM. EVEN I CANT BELIEVE IT. YOU’RE SO BLESSED TO HAVE ME AS YOUR PRESIDENT. WAIT, DID I SAY BLESSED? SEE IM RELIGIOUS.

    5 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:



  7. Spoiler.


    Terrific series, but, confusing at times. The KTK killer ending was a letdown. Kind of a thud. I thought for sure he had something to do with the Lawyer murder, and maybe that’s what the writers wanted us to think. But, that said, it’s a great cop show and I love his house and the jazz music and the overall feel of it. Acting and writing is top notch. I was really tense when his daughter went to clear her head. 

    Overall, I felt it wrapped up loose ends, except for the bike killer. It was one of the better seasons and it makes me want to watch them all again. Glad there’s another season coming, hopefully next year. 

    One thing, not sure which episode, but one of the detectives was leaving the war room and put on his coat, and you could see the back of it on him. The clip they put to tighten the back of the actor’s clothes, when the costume people dress them up (if the coat is too big), was still on it. A little thing. 

    • Like 1
  8. On 4/21/2018 at 1:05 PM, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    I give it a 10% chance we see Dotard debate anyone again.  He hasn’t done a true press conference in 428 days.

    Well, he’s gotten away with not doing most things that Presidents in the past have done as part of the job of being or getting to be President. So, yep, I think you’re right. He won’t hear any complaints from the GOP.

  9. 40 minutes ago, Aqua Buddha said:

    The GOP base (especially the evangelicals) will support whoever the nominee is and it really doesn't matter on the details.  They're constantly going against their previously strongly held "beliefs" to justify whoever the nominee is.

    The next nominee after Trump will a more standard GOP type and they'll fall in line behind that.

    I’m really surprised the GOP hasn’t moved to impeach Trump and put in Pence, considering that Pence is everything they believe in. The longer Trump stays in the nastier it’s going to be to impeach him and the more damage will happen for the party.

  10. LA Law was my all time favorite Bochco series but my second favorite was Murder One, season one. Daniel Benzali was the lawyer Teddy Hoffman and Stanley Tucci was Richard Cross, who looked like the bad guy who had a secret, but, in the end . . . The murder took the whole season to solve. Benzali didn't come back for season 2 and I think it suffered because of it.

    And of course Bochco wrote, and Steven Spielberg directed, one of my favorite Columbo episodes: Murder by the Book, with Jack Cassidy as the murderer. 

  11. The other day, a friend of mine said if we get rid of Trump then we'll get Mike Pence and that will be worse. I'm not so sure. Maybe in the short term, but If you're looking at the long game of getting a Dem in the WH in 2020, I think between the two, a Dem could easily beat Pence in 2020.

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