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Horny Bull

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Everything posted by Horny Bull

  1. Boehm works around a two out single T7.
  2. Borba is stranded at first B6. 2-0 Texas
  3. That guy has made 3 outs running the bases today.
  4. Thomas is not having a good day on the base paths.
  5. Howard works around a two out single T5.
  6. Softball is only in the 4th inning, so it will be later than that.
  7. Howard navigates his way out of trouble yet again.
  8. I’m going to take this opportunity to be “that guy”
  9. Howard strands the two out single.
  10. 1-2-3 inning for Howard T2. EDIT: Runner was ruled safe after a review. Two out infield single.
  11. Thomas has been an on base machine so far.
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