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Posts posted by DallasHorn26

  1. 16 hours ago, F250 said:
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    My concern for the show is the multiverse angle and the inevitable introduction of plot holes.

    Things have already gotten weird with the additional time lines. Royal has no memory of Joy but she exists in an old photo. Was the child Royal Joy followed in hole the same Royal we know on the show? They seem different.

    Obviously the Royal with replacement Perry is not the same Royal from the other main timeline.

    Autumn is a strange one, she is Amy but a different Amy. Royal makes the point in the finale. Different universe Amy? The Autumn origin is weird because Autumn caused Amy to become Autumn which shouldn't be possible. Unless Autumn is from a different universe but then why does she need to create Autumn in a separate timeline when she already exists?

    I'd have preferred Back to the Future rules rather than the multiverse.

    I didn't know what to think about Joy tracking the great great grandson of her attacker. The grudge doesn't seem justifiable unless the great great grandson is actually the original grandfather that traveled through the hole from a separate timeline.




    Yeah, the Perry thing got me. I was thinking Back to the Future Rules when he died in the fight, shouldn't he be disappearing now? Royal seemed to give him a look when he was walking into the house at the end of the episode that he knew it was the other Perry.


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  2. Yeah, a text to column to separate the pre-fix out would be easiest. There may be a way to incorprate the "Right" formula to where it only searches by the "right" 5 characters, if the format for the part numbers and prefixes are all the same number of characters.  Example being: =Right(SK-A-050,5) will return A-050.



  3. On 3/20/2024 at 7:38 AM, Reagan1k said:

    That's a good one to discuss with your sponsor who probably sees it from an objective perspective.

    Could easily be the EX just stirring up shit.  Most teens won't even look up from their phones long enough to realize a parent slipped out for an hour and a half to get to a meeting and back.

    If you're intentional about the time you do spend with them, I'd venture to make a SWAG that it isn't a real issue.

    I'd go sit down with your sponsor and then maybe sit down with the kids individually and talk it out.  Find the truth for each one and adjust if needed from there.

    It's always a balancing act that ebbs and flows, but as you said....the reality is that without the program there is no dad in the picture at all.

    Thanks for this. I have talked it over with both my sponsor and Grand sponsor and both have said the same. The kids may not see it all now, but I suspect theyll see the big picture when they're older.

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  4. This may turn into more of a vent session for me, but how do you guys with kids deal with family logistics and AA  involvement? My kids (13,15,16) have told their mom and step dad that they don't feel like a priority in my life and that they are backburner to AA.  Their step-dad even told me the other night I went form "Raging Alcoholic to obsessed with AA and church". I've tried to have this conversation directly with the kids, but the perception I get from them is they are good with things. I emphasize with them constantly that I am available to hear anything they have to say. Sometimes I think this is probably more their mother and I not seeing eye-to-eye.

    I have committed meetings I attend each week (usually when the kids aren't with me) and I don't talk to them about AA unless they ask. There have been a few occasions over the past few years where I have missed a function due to an AA commitment, but they have bene few and far between.

    To me they are a priority.....I also know they don't get sober me without AA.

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  5. I have memories from my early childhood of sing along to this record with my Mom. I don’t think you could get that many people in the same room to record a song today, so it was definitely a historical moment.

    The part about Stevie leading Ray Charles to the bathroom had me rolling.

  6. My in laws live inland from gulf shores/orange beach area. I haven’t been there during spring break but there are lots of condos scattered along the beach. If you’re just looking to sit by the water then it’s not a bad area. Some decent restaurants nearby too. Will probably be more families than college kids except the bros at the Florabama.

  7. 15 hours ago, The Royal We said:

    I really enjoyed this, thank you for posting.

    I do business with a lot of people from London and they really take it to a whole different level. It’s such a central part of their culture. I’ll be spending a few days with 15-20 of them next week at an annual golf trip and it’s always shocking how many “units” these dudes put away in a day. I stopped trying to keep up a few years ago, it was a hopeless effort that made for some really awful 8 am tee times. 

    I worked for a  small company based in a smaller town about 40 minutes outside of London and would visit the home office once a year and always looked forward to the nights out at the pubs because I could drink like I wanted to until 4am and not stand out too much.  I ran into the same locals at the pub almost every year I went and they recognized their "Texan Friend" every time I'd drop in.

    • Hook 'Em 1

    On 8/30/2023 at 6:53 AM, Nice Guy Eddie said:

    Coffee City existed to sell booze to Tyler residents. Much of the city limits only border a highway for liquor stores. No surprise that they’ve transitioned to patrolling those highways for speeding.

    I made many trips to Coffee City and Kilgore back in the day. Haven't lived in Tyler since it went wet, but I bet its safe to assume traffic has decreased significantly along those routes.

  9. 47 minutes ago, Loch Ness Monster said:

    19 days sober from alcohol. Just taking it one day at a time. Been drinking a couple Topo Chicos with lime as a replacement after work. Biggest fight is mainly with boredom but figure it's mainly because I didn't have many hobbies outside of getting drunk and doing X random activity. Going to take time.

    I  was super bored in the early days. I couldn't sit down and focus long enough to watch anything on TV or read a book. I did a 1K piece puzzle and  a couple of Lego sets in my first month to pass the time.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  10. Bumping this thread for recommendations. I have a sonata as my commuter car and probably drive 400 miles a week. Looking for replacements that will last but not break the bank either. Looking at either DT or Costco.

  11. 27 minutes ago, YGIFS said:

    Glad you made the turn and are still keeping at it.  I had a rough relapse about 2.5 weeks ago, right before the really bad news about MAC starting pouring in.  I knew I had been slacking on the work and admitted to it on here, but started getting that, "Meh, I can freestyle this on my own."  I know that's no longer the case, it's never really been the case for ten years.  Gotta commit every single day, not just some days.  still haven't found the right all-around approach, but gotta try, gotta work, gotta stay dry.  

    I really hope I get to meet some of you this football season at a tailgate or whatever.  MAC would have liked that anyway, even if we don;'t like each other ;) 

    I tried and failed many times with the "I got this approach", and it just got worse every time. The all-around approach that has worked for me and continues to work is to capitulate and do what was asked of me. My own thinking just got me further in the hole. Thankfully I had a sponsor that was willing to jump in in that hole and help me build the ladder out. 

    I've heard one of the guys in my sponsorship say several times "Be a Zebra and join the herd". When zebras herd together their stripes form crazy patterns that camouflage them from their predators. When one strays away, that's usually when it's attacked.

    • Hook 'Em 3
  12. Reading the posts about MAC the past few weeks has had me in a place of reflection. I hit 2 years on the 10th and was presented my chip Saturday night at our home group's birthday night. I remember that feeling during my last few benders that a fate similar to MAC's was in store for me and I honestly welcomed it because I had nothing left for this world. Thankfully, I finally surrendered and since then have learned otherwise. 

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  13. I was at Dallas show and thought it was good. Fiance' and I are going to the Orange Beach show in July too. I just got introduced to Dave about 2 years ago and didn't know much outside of what I had heard on mainstream radio, but man they are fun to watch. Fiance' as seen been to 30+ shows and said he pulled out a few rare ones Saturday. 

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  14. I watched a table of 8 grown-ass adults split one bottle of wine the other night.  Boggles my mind to this day that people can enjoy drinking like that. 

    That sounds miserable. My fiancé has like one drink every few months and will push it away when she starts “feeing it”. Hmmmm isn’t that the point?
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