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Scheiss Meister

Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by Scheiss Meister

  1. I decided to retire when multiple factors crystallized to make my decision easier.  Like you mentioned, my motivation was flagging, and I started noticing that my thinking was slowing down.  I had adjusted to the stress of the job for several years, then it started to grind on me again.  I would work all week, then be sick or exhausted the entire weekend.  I'd start feeling like I had some energy just in time to start the shit all over again.  The added stress of my mother-in-law and father-in-law both declining from dementia and stomach cancer respectively wore even more.  I was exhausted all the damn time.

    I had other projects that I wanted to finish, but being passed over for a promotion and having my workload doubled at the same time made it clear that it was time to go.  I stayed two months to finish a major report and finish training others on my job, then retired.

    It was the best decision that I have made in a long, long time.  I am another person.  I'm not sick all the time, and I have time to spend with my dad in his twilight.  We're not rich, but we're able to pay the bills and have a little left for some fun.  Honestly, I should have retired five years before I did.

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  2. 2 hours ago, BamaATL said:

    He's found guilty on 32 of 34 all by Friday.  Problem is, he'll be sentenced in October and free to walk pending appeal, which will take over a year.  He'll be dead by then.  

    From your lips to God's ears.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  3. 1 minute ago, Pato del Muerto said:

    I have so many questions, but I’ll do my own research. 

    I'll admit that I may be mistaken, but that is what happened to my mother in law and father in law.  He had time in the Navy and other employment that predated the changes in SS during the Reagan admin, so he received his SS retirement benefits.  She was a teacher the entire time and could not receive SS survivor benefits.

  4. 59 minutes ago, SydneyCarton said:

    Maybe. So maybe you're topping out at low six figures, and you're probably working lets call it 60 hours a week to do it. That sounds exhausting. 

    And with teachers, well, part of the sell was 3 months off, but reality, they all basically HAVE to work those 3 months for the extra money just to subsist. Or in some cases, buy their own school supplies. As for a lifetime pension...tha'ts not a guaranty. The US Post Office out front can tell you that, a pension system can disappear depending on a political decision. 

    And keep in mind that teachers cannot collect Social Security.  Those pensions are better than many who save on their own for retirement, but they aren't going to have you living on easy street.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  5. 2 hours ago, Chuckie Finster said:

    I appreciate the bravado Joe is showing in that video, but I think this is a bad idea.  I don't think Joe is as diminished as the opposition would like you to believe, but a debate is the prime setting to highlight his shortcomings (especially against Trump's bluster) and tailor made for out-of-context tiktok clips to go viral.  The average voter watches these for "vibes" more than policy talk, and I think the risk is much much higher than the reward in that regard.

    The only logical explanation is that the campaign believes these horrific poll numbers. 

    No, another logical explanation is that the campaign knows that Trump will bluster and strut, then pull out at the last minute over some made up grievance.  It's been his pattern this cycle.

  6. 7 hours ago, nnm said:

    I don’t believe that lil’ dude has enough tickets for that ride. 

    Who's going to tell him, "No."?  I know I'm not.  That much happiness is too rare in this old world.

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  7. Today at lunch, having seafood with my dad, I was struck by a conundrum: Is it wrong to use delicious shrimp for fish bait, or is it wrong to eat the outstanding fish bait that is shrimp?  And if one is wrong but not the other, why?  (Yeah, the conversation hit a dull spot.)

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