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Posts posted by LarryTT

  1. 5) keep an eye on whatever your exit strategy is and pull the plug before it devours your current personal assets- don’t feed the business “until this is over” if that’s not viable- no shame in going out of business in this environment and you are likely to get the best of what we is coming from government/creditors if you move now with the mass of people and not later. Don’t be overly optimistic about what recovery looks like/ if you were barely making it right now what’s your future business look like with 20% less GDP- don’t be afraid to rip off the bandaid. 


    This   ^^^


    Sold my Sleep/DME/Respiratory company (specialzing in VENTILATORS) last August. CMS had cut our reimbursement almost 40% and I almost tried to hang on too long. I'm too old for this shit. Glad I was able to salvage employee jobs with a national company. These are some frontline people you don't hear about much. This sector will be further decimated (lost 40% of providers the last few years) and the need is greater. smdh  but go ahead, buy it on the internet.....

  2. On 1/14/2020 at 10:34 AM, Okie State said:

    Signed up for a free Sling TV trial last night so I could watch the game. Not sure if it was an anamoly or what but it was pretty shitty. Constant cutting out, buffering, and overall terrible picture quality. Never experienced that with YouTube TV. No way I'd pay for what I saw last night.

    My experience with Sling as well... YTTV no problems

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  3. 1 minute ago, Chewbacca said:

    I don't think that's it...

    You think Im not a good employer?   I have 35 employees that have been with me an average of 10 years or more, 6 that have been with me over 25 years. I mean I get people wanting to start out on their own and I've never even sent a letter out to those that have gone on before. But this was just too much.

  4. 14 hours ago, Updawg said:

    Seems cheaper to have just given them more money to stay

    Doesn't always work. I had an employee that I knew always had an entrepreneurial spirit. She was one of the highest paid type of employees in her field in the state. I even offered to make her a partner if she wanted to buy in. Bitch started her own company while still working on my dime for 4 months. I would not have had the lawyer send her a nice letter if she had just left and fucking THEN started her own. (And she will NOT be making even close what I was paying her for at least 3 years, if she even survives that long)

  5. 20 hours ago, Onboard 2.0 said:

    I grew up on the water, dangerous shit happens in the wink of an eye, and there's no where to go.  If I had a boat full of people I'd for damn sure have somebody awake at all times, and not just sitting on the bridge.  

    I'd make sure people understood why their fee was a little higher.. what with having somebody awake at all times to monitor the boat and their personal safety.

    Agree shit happens quite quickly. I have my USCG 100 Ton  Master Captains license. I don't even need a boat full of people to have somebody awake at all times. Even if its just another couple, mostly because its going to be me awake as I don't trust generator fumes, anchor drag, other dumasses running gennys around me with shifting winds, etc so I don't sleep much with my concerns but I will arrange watch schedules anyway. I also have 4 smoke and fire alarms and 4 CO detectors on a 40' boat.

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  6. On August 15, 2019 at 2:21 PM, Loco said:

    Learning what is legally required of you when you operate a boat drained a lot of the fun out of boating for me.  It's damned near impossible to follow the letter of the law.  No one else on the water is either...  Oh, you want to go fishing?   Better bring a lawyer... It's cray cray


    I thought it would be fun to get my USCG Master Captains license for the knowledge, do a little chartering on inland Corp lake and helping out some friends that started a dinner cruise gig. Yeah, not so much. 

  7. On 12/23/2018 at 7:38 AM, RPM said:

    I think part of the problem I have sleeping is sleep apnea. I've never been tested or diagnosed or whatever the hell you get, but people always bitch about my snoring. That doesn't have anything to do with me not going to sleep. I just can't shut my mind down. More accurately, it doesn't want to shut down.

    Did you ever have this checked out?  Snoring isnt necessarily indicative of sleep apnea but if people say you quit breathing for a short period of time then it quite possibly could be apnea episodes. 

  8. On 6/24/2019 at 4:34 PM, El Diablo said:

    How long after the surgery before they take the eye patch off? I've only got one eye and having the cataract removed from the good eye is going to leave me blind for that time period. Kinda freaked out about it.

    A few days although I think they said a week. I think it was about 3 for me.

  9. On 6/23/2019 at 12:19 PM, Armybrat said:

    Speaking of getting old, I just learned at my last visit (last week) with my eye doctor that bifocals are now called “progressives”. 

    FWIW, readers aren’t worth a damn if you have cataracts. Can’t see shit out of my left eye and have to squint out of the other..... with my readers on. Will have the cataract in the left eye removed before football season starts, as it was difficult driving home after night games last year.

    Had both eyes done a few years back. Easy procedure and you'll be amazed (and thankful) at the difference.

    Also those nut sack squeezes between the legs at night, I've found a pillow between the knees helps considerably.

  10. 5 minutes ago, tucker said:

    Checking in. Want to emphasize to others that are new how important it is to find the right AA group. I keep trying new ones and amazed at how different each location and even times can be. I am struggling to find the right home group but clearly understand which ones aren't a fit. 

    I could see how this can discourage people, because even though I have a flexible schedule the effort to try new ones is not inconsequential. 

    Been following since TOB. Alcoholic wife (finally divorced after 41 years and 10 years of rehabs) and this is a major problem. Quits after one meeting saying they aren't 'my kind of people'. She won't try to get a sponsor either. Frustrating in a small town where there are just not many options. I read each of your stories and know the difficulties and struggles. Keep fighting.

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