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Posts posted by ChampKind

  1. 12 hours ago, Robin Masters said:

    Tried Pinkerton. Basically no line not long after opening. Brisket had too much untrimmed fat and not well rendered. It was just a small ways away from being roast. Almost no smoke to it. Side were meh.

    If I was going to eat right there again it would be across the street at Teotihuacan. Haven't been there in a year or so but judging from the full parking, and the huge amount of greasy smoke coming out of the roof vent, they still have it.

    If your visit to Pinkerton's was this weekend then I'll encourage you to go back and try it again. Grant was in Tyler all weekend at the Red Dirt BBQ Fest. Its possible that things slipped a bit with him not being around to ride herd.  Give him another shot because his product is usually very good.

    • Like 3
  2. Best method for reheating?

    I’ve got the leftovers wrapped tightly in fresh foil and then that is place in a large ziploc to avoid drying out.

    There’s probably a Franklin video that addresses this. I’m just spitballing here, but maybe leave it in the foil and stick it in the oven at 250* until it hits 140* internal
  3. Yeah, I stuck the Thermapen in a few places in the flat and that's what I'm getting above. I'm going to pull it in 10 minutes because I have a 1:00 conference call. 
    The stall, who the hell knows since my Gateway disconnected during the night (see Thermoworks thread). When I woke up it was at 165 and the fire was at 240. 

    Bro, always go by feel. Always. I give fuckall about what temp the probe says when we’re talking brisket
    • Like 1
  4. Houston BBQ Festival was a blast. It was my 5th year doing this event, but the first under my own banner. We had a solid lineup of bites, and I had a really solid crew helping me out. I need to give major props to ERhine here. He and his bride have helped out at this event for the last 3-4 years, and because they had that experience I leaned on him pretty heavily to manage workflow. He nailed it, and it freed me up to slice brisket on the fly. Two of our dishes were pretty much his creation (a saltine with a slice of boudin and a spoonful of his crawfish gravy, then the Big Red ice cream that he makes for me). We were on the same row as Corkscrew, Blood Bros., Harlem Road, Roegel's, Spring Creek, and Killen's. I was right smack dab in the middle of the row. Our line was longer than everyone on the row except for Corkscrew, and there seemed to be some pretty good buzz about us.  Anywho...pics (to prove it happened).






    Shirts I had printed for the event. Loved the design, and wanted something that made my crew standout.



  5. Yeah, I might try that. It doesn't really need sharpening, I just know it's not as sharp as it was brand new.  But yeah, take care of it and you'll love it for a long time.

    If you use your knife with any regularity it should be sharpened once a year, and honed once a month
  6. Bet you only end up using 3 of those blades.

    I've discovered the greatness that is Yaxell. I own Shun, Global, Miyabi, and Wusthoff and not a one of them arrived as sharp or holds an edge the way my Yaxell chef's knife does. I use an 8" chef for nearly all my prep, Mundial scalloped slicers for large meats, and mainly a Dexter 7" flexibile filet for meat trimming, and a Wusthoff boning knife for de-boning).

  7. 23 hours ago, Patricio Swayze said:

    Tried Killen's yesterday for the first time.  I live in NW Houston, so Pearland is a trek.  I apologize for the crappy photo.  There is more food there than it appears.  Plus I had some bread putting (pretty meh).  Anyways, brisket was very good.  Sausage was ok.  Decent spice, but casing was pretty tough.  I don't see going back as there are a few places that are as good or better that are much closer to me.  If I lived down that way, I would probably be eating there fairly often.


    Go try the new and improved PCBBQ and tell us what you think

  8. What do y'all Houstonians know about Willow's? It just came across my radar for the first time today, hadn't heard of it before.

    Willow is putting out solid product, you should definitely go see him. And tell him I sent you
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