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Queen Bitch

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Posts posted by Queen Bitch

  1. 12 minutes ago, Skipper said:

    I think he's right there is bi-partisan majority support for gun control (i.e., the 4 items he noted).  How the fuck can't we get it done.  Does the NRA really have Republican's by the balls?  Is that it?  I don't get it.

    Can't own the libs if you work with them 

  2. 7 minutes ago, Nice Guy Eddie said:

    Beto played the nice guy against the most hated man in Texas, and lost. He needs to go after Abbott with everything. Scorched earth strategy.

    Agreed. And this is a damn good start.

  3. On 5/8/2022 at 1:02 AM, ztejas said:

    If one of the songs made you cry on first listen then yeah I'd maybe try the whole thing out more than a couple of times. 

    That said I personally don't give a shit and my "care what other people think about music" gene is quickly going the way of the wind. 

    Give it 3-4 listens. I think it's worth it. 

    (I knew I should have just started a new thread... can never get a read with you assholes) 

    Several listens deep and it's starting to work for me. Side two especially. Not sure why Unconditional II didn't click early on but now I can't stop grooving to it. 

    Not sure I'll ever not cringe hearing Unsubscribe sung seriously, but beyond that, it's a worthy LP for their catalogue. Can't wait to see it live when they swing through in the fall.

    (I also second you @ConferenceRoom -- EN has some bad songs but also hits some very high highs.)

  4. Frustrated and disappointed by the first listen but not at all about to give up.

    That said, Unconditional 1 made me cry on first listen 

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