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Posts posted by Dondrysdale1

  1. 40 minutes ago, Machinator said:

    Doesn't look like Catalon will happen.

    The IT mods say Gary Patterson has been using the Zach Smith stuff to negative recruit against Texas and it's getting through to his parents.

    Sounds like Mutha Hustla time to the bat phone.

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  2. I know it’s wishful thinking by most but does anyone see our wr coach not coming back after the year lj is having? If he gets an oc gig great but I don’t see his contract just flat not being renewed with the way recruiting has gone at his position. You don’t want to lose the guys out of your backyard but a 5-6 man class with quite a bit of talent so far. Not trying to defend him or upset anyone but people speak as if it’s guaranteed that he’s gone, with Herman’s loyalty to his guys I do not see it unless they find a promotion for him to move on to.

  3. Any word from hamm after the Shepherd no show? You would think since he is penciled in to the aggy class he would have a story up about whatever issue kept him away and that his source(footwork king) assured him he would be back on campus soon. Interesting that Footwork King has already said he will be in Austin for Iowa State. Demand and Shepherd back in town again would be nice.

  4. 6 minutes ago, HtownHorn said:

    Prepare for most UT commits to free fall.

    Do we have any predictions?


    ill go with Tyler Johnson dropping because no camps.  

    Jake smith will drop a bit and they will say his competition is why his numbers are so good.

    Kenyatta will move up, because of the visiting other(sec) schools.

    Sweat should move up.

    They will find a way to drop the Wiley from Temple since he doesn’t play TE in High school.

    they will bump some aggy to create a fight for number 1 in country just watch. 


  5. 25 minutes ago, Machinator said:

    They blew a 28-point lead to Oregon State at home, which may cost them bowl eligibility in a season when they started 5-0.

    5 straight losses will definitely upset the Apple cart. I didn’t realize the 5 losses just after being lost in the wilderness and the bit of success on the field and recruiting trail as opposed to his successors I thought that might bye him some goodwill? That program is a long way from 1990 due to their admin not prioritizing athletics and facilities etc.. After we beat them 70-3 in 05 that is a long climb to where they are now. Another change by an admin that is not gonna go get a Matt Campbell or someone similar seems like stalling what has been a decent climb back to respectability. Granted I don’t follow CU to close so maybe I am completely wrong and  it’s warranted.

  6. 28 minutes ago, Dbeasy said:

    I think they are looking at Coker because of his height only. Ohio State is running 6’7” and 6’6” tackles and Herman might be thinking he needs more size to get over the hump with Alabama, OSU, Georgia, Clemson, etc. He may be betting on improving his technique and mobility thru development.

    I think this theory has weight. Just as Yancy has gone to work on Cosmi and he is still growing maybe in the vein that they are breaking down Coburn they can break down a guy like Coker and with that the untapped athleticism is there with that size. 

  7. 3 minutes ago, rickyspub said:

    Most here have expressed sympathy for his kids. The guy publicly posted a video of his kid crying because Hamm would rather chase HS football players than spend time with his family. Then he did a recruiting chat from what was supposed to be a zoo visit with his children. He should be made fun of for his divorce because he has made it clear, in public, that he is a shitty father and I am sure that also means he was a shitty husband.

    Looks like we had the same thoughts

  8. 3 minutes ago, C-Man said:

    I draw the line at his kids. Anything else is fair game for this fuckstick.

    No one attacked his kids. Only thing said was how fucked up it is that they have this guy that videos them crying when he chooses to follow around a recruit that won’t choose aggy. Or that he takes them to zoo only to ignore them for a Facebook video recruiting chat to all of 6 people(being generous). I feel sorry for them.

  9. 10 hours ago, mycox said:

    I was told the bullpen doesn't matter in the playoffs by certain people on this thread

    It doesn’t if you have a surplus of stater arms to supplant your struggling pen, Sox do not have this. As evidenced by the moonshot Rodriguez came in and gave up to a Sanchez.

  10. Anyone seen if Oklahoma has anyone that might miss the game?  Per OB everyone has been cleared to play for Texas including Foster and Estell provided no setbacks from yesterday’s practice. Only people missing are roach, and Cummins I believe and porter if he does not wish to Travel again.

  11. 8 hours ago, Fud said:

    He's the dipshit who had orangebloods melting down when Strong pulled a Mack Brown commitment's offer (I think his name was Johnny Shaw). The kid wasnt even starting as a senior. Want a laugh? Look up the kids who were committed when Mack was forced to step down. But I digress.

    He started a thread that Texas was blackballed from the golden triangle because they dropped that commit, which resulted in several area coaches having to get OBs subs to kill the rumor 

    He was instrumental in getting Hudson to sign with Baylor 

    This summer he supposedly tried like hell to get a recruiting analyst job with various schools in the region, and even apparently made some headway with TCU, but that fell though if the rumor is true 

    Anyway, fuck that guy

    Keke Coute was committed to Texas under Mack I believe he plays for the Houston, Texans?

  12. He’s going best stuff and hoping he is on knowing even if he isn’t they have a pen that can shut them down. They are saving Happ for the Sox who struggle against lefties(compared to righties at least). One game season and save your best pitcher (since his acquisition) for a game that you might not play? Bold strategy that will quickly have a cloud hanging over Boone’s time in the Bronx if things don’t go right.

  13. 10 hours ago, henrygandorf said:

    disagree.  i think they realize morty can contribute from the pen, while dallas cannot. 

    i stand by my statement that i'd rather dallas pitch a home game or not at all.  i would assume he'll have a short fucking leash in g3, especially if we're 1-1.  morty/lmj will be at the ready.

    They see a strong history in that park for Keuchel and a good rep against most of that lineup. His blowup 1st innings have mostly been at home this season(including  a bad 1st vs Indians at home) I’d much rather the opportunity to go out and set the tone before he steps on the mound these days.

  14. Do they swap leagues and network every year? I swore last year was all fox and mlb network and the National league was Tbs? At least it’s not Eckersley in a matchup vs Red Sox. Watched  one Red Sox game this year and him going on and on about David price throwing a cross seam fastball and a two seam fastball. Like no one had ever watched the guy pitch and it was a home broadcast.

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