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Posts posted by horncyclist

  1. 1 minute ago, Macanudo said:

    If you're talking about GA, then a net of 6,145 isn't going to cut it.  He's trailing by 18,500+ right now.

    I played with higher margins and got Biden needing an increase of .25 in the margin for each county to net what he needs. That's something like 85-15 in Fulton county. If those are the votes outstanding, I don't see how Biden makes up the deficit. Of course, I probably fucked it up so take it with a grain of salt. The data wizzes on twitter are more optimistic. 


  2. 1 minute ago, bad_teammate said:

    OK cool Joe is going to win.

    2022 and 2024 lets ACTUALLY EXCITE VOTERS by promising them wages, jobs, healthcare, and housing! DEAL!??!

    This is probably wishful thinking but maybe the republican moderates actually work with Biden to get some things done. More likely they'll do what they did 8 years ago with an agenda of making Biden a one-term president.

    Biden can also accomplish a lot by undoing the shit Trump has done with exec orders and deregulation. Foreign policy will shift too. The Senate a progressive legislative agenda would have been ideal but the country will be a lot better off with Trump gone.

    • Hook 'Em 3
  3. 1 minute ago, Bateshorn said:

    So what I’m starting to get out of this election is that the future is in the Democrats direction , but it’s going to be grind. There’s not going to be a 1932 style realignment.

    While it pains me to say it, I think Trump doesn't get enough credit for the way he's expanded the republican base. And as disgusting as it is, his confidence and positivity draws people in. Moronic people but we have a lot of them. Once Trump fades, I think I the GOP loses a lot of the Trump expansion.

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