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GW Hayduke

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Everything posted by GW Hayduke

  1. Blaming the legal system for the flaws of our political system is dumb and boring. Please stop.
  2. Unorganized militia =/= well-regulated militia.
  3. It is odd that a substantial portion of the population has developed a flawed value system to the point they prefer dead children over slight inconveniences with obtaining firearms. Imagine holding that flawed value system and then calling themselves a responsible gun owner
  4. You are a shitty Hunter if you need a high-velocity, high-capacity, high rate-of-fire firearm. Maybe try fishing
  5. That’s cool. Do note that the history and science that you describe in those books doesn’t appear to be inconsistent with with what Sawbonez is saying and isn’t inconsistent the Diamond’s take.
  6. This was an interesting conversation to read. Morality and science. The two of you are not having a disagreement on the facts of history. It seems the disagreement is about the application of moral judgement and whether it is good/bad for civilizations to conquer (assimilate, displace, eradicate) other civilizations. I understand you feel the history of North America is immoral. Sawbonz and Jared Diamond (in Guns, Germs and Steel) from what I recall are describing the phenomenon and are not applying moral judgement. The separation of morality from science is normal and required. People can understand a situation without applying moral judgement, or they can choose to both try to understand a situation and judge at the same time. The downfall of applying morality is that it clouds our understanding of science. Plus moral systems change over time. The downfall of only applying science is that it can be used to hide from today's moral system and promote immoral actions today (Israel/Palestine, Ukraine/Russia, current displacement of indigenous populations in SA, lack of health care and education opportunities in today's indigenous populations in NA).
  7. Let’s ban people. Why didn’t I think of that
  8. Kind of wild how the morally flawed parts of our population seem to perfectly align with Putin’s Russia.
  9. Perry's brain was rotted by hate-filled propaganda. Hopefully people begin to recognize that hate-filled rhetoric that dehumanizes "others," promotes division, and promotes violence should stop and then decide to make personal changes. Turn off fox news. Turn off political talk radio. Stop voting for assholes who promote hate. Leave facebook and twitter. Stop browsing breitbart. Leave social media echo chambers. If your friend parrots hate, call him out. If you see hate on social media, call it out. Understand anecdotal evidence is not representative of a sample, often cherry picked, and used by propagandists against you. Try and understand your cognitive bias. Understand tribalism is in your DNA and propagandists are using it against you. When you experience anger, fear, or anxiety when consuming media, ask yourself if you are being shaped by a propagandist. Teach your children and those around you how to understand and protect themselves from propaganda.
  10. In order to accomplish most of those things, the Texas GOP would either need to be removed from power (lose elections) or get to the point where it becomes obvious to them that they will lose elections if they don't change their polices. In order for that to happen, the Texas voting population is going to need to shift from voting for the GOP to the Democrats. In order for that to happen, we probably need a mix of a) curtailment or regulation of misinformation and disinformation, b) increase in education funding, c) reform the education system to address critical thinking and propaganda susceptibility and instill basic moral values (citizenship, compassion, lying is bad, breaking the law is bad, adults acting like children is bad, adults insulting others is bad, etc.), d) mobilization of progressive donors, e) reform the Dem's party apparatus to increase effectiveness, f) increase voter turnout (remove barriers and increase motivation)... there are probably several other things but those are at the top of mind. It sucks but elections have consequences and the Texas population and their voting habits are very flawed.
  11. A prohibition on selling high-capacity, high-velocity, high rate-of-fire firearms with grandfathering isn’t expected to immediately solve the problem. It would need to work with other firearm control measures. It would however immediately be a sizable barrier for the acquisition by the young - those just turning of age - or those just experiencing a crisis and wanting to act out. Over the course of time, that benefit would slowly increase as those type of firearms naturally decay. We can increase the speed of that benefit with either voluntary or mandatory buy-back programs. The speed could be further increased over time with requiring a registration and permitting system (for those grandfathered) and prohibiting inheritance transfer absent a permit. We could also tack on required training to the grandfather permit. No single measure should be expected to fix our problem. We would need an array of measures.
  12. The misinformation that this guy was "in charge of the trump russia investigation" has already been debunked. Note that that declaration isn't in the abc article but just something Sojourner Truth pulled out of his ass.
  13. Nobody fucks with Mike Pence and walks away from it. https://www.cnn.com/2023/03/11/politics/mike-pence-gridiron-dinner/index.html Nobody fucks with Mike Pence and walks away from it. https://www.cnn.com/2023/03/11/politics/mike-pence-gridiron-dinner/index.html
  14. Yes. Those videos of cops intertwined with the protestors, the videos of cops opening barriers, etc. is not evidence of complicity. Those videos are used by propagandists (Tucker, Twitter trolls) to make it look like they are complicit and to sow discord and division. Barriers were opened and abandoned when protestors had breached behind the barriers. There isn’t a point in battling protestors if they can just walk around. It would have been extraordinarily dangerous to try and do that. Once an area had been breached, once a part of the capital was breached, the cops were outnumbered and all they could do was keep the peace - I.e., be present and wait for the clear out activities to commence.
  15. Because the police weren’t being complicit. That is just a dumb narrative pushed by Tucker Carlson, right wing trolls, and those gullible to their propaganda.
  16. Ok. The Stop the Steal folks also don't have evidence. I perceive that theory to be anti-democratic, dangerous to the US, and exactly what our foreign adversaries want. Is there a reason I shouldn't perceive your theory as the same?
  17. Is there evidence supporting this theory? Seems dangerous. I understand Hillary was considered the favorite and she lost the electoral vote. Other than that, is there anything else? I understand the 2016 nationwide results were mostly within the margin of error. 538 gave Trump an overall 3/10 shot at winning. I don't discount the Russian meddling at all and believe their involvement contributed to Trump's narrow win - but that would likely have been generally captured in polling. I also wouldn't discount Comey's unprecedented meddling when he publicly announced his investigation 11 days before election day, which was during early voting. The polling leading up to that time wouldn't have factored Comey's meddling. Here is a good video on how "wrong" the polls were in 2016 - i.e., not very wrong. https://fivethirtyeight.com/videos/polling-101-what-happened-to-the-polls-in-2016-and-what-you-should-know-about-them-in-2020/
  18. China stated it was a civilian scientific balloon that was blown off course. https://www.cnbc.com/amp/2023/02/03/china-tells-us-to-remain-cool-headed-over-suspected-spy-balloon.html
  19. You still seem to be assuming that he should face consequences just for being targeted. Just because Trump, Trump Jr., and McCarthy say Swalwell acted inappropriate, doesn’t mean he actually did. Just like we shouldn’t kick reps from committees just because they are targeted by our adversaries, we also shouldn’t expect our political process to remove them either.
  20. Why should someone deserve consequences and be booted from the house intelligence committee for being targeted? Isn’t it possible for anyone to be targeted? Should we give our adversaries total control of who is on that committee? They can just target anyone they don’t want it and then not target those they do.
  21. It is possible this might be the desired effect of the potential misinformation about the ex's baby mama and pic taking twitter rumors. Move the opinion of a few from "this is an instance indicating reform is still needed" to "this is just a bad apple who had a personal grievance."
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