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Posts posted by longhornsftmfw

  1. This thread exemplifies the problem, in my opinion: people just talking (or yelling) past each other. Whether it's "just asking questions" or full blown "NO YOU!!" petulance, nobody listens to anyone else online. Then people conflate their lives online with their physical lives and start to believe in the bogeymen (bogeypeople?). I think we have real problems to address that require extensive communication about our differences. Instead, we're busy trying to measure our dicks and prove that our team is righteous and the only choice. We're all losing, with historical enemies chomping at the bit to get their shots in while we're fighting over who gets to ride shotgun to the morgue to identify the mutilated body that was once our republic.

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  2. 42 minutes ago, DeadArmadillo said:

    Nebraska football gives a soft shoulder shrug, walks sheepishly to the corner of the room, loses to Texas, sits on the floor and begins to sob quietly

    Sent from my SM-G920T using Tapatalk


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  3. 6 minutes ago, jdhorn92 said:

      I really hope we are getting ready to go on a roll with the entire athletic program.  Great leadership like we have in place now with CDC will set the tone.   My hat is off to the entire baseball program, what a job!  With the support and infrastructure we have in place now, I hope the success on the diamond bleeds over to the other teams on campus.  Someone posted awhile back that right before Mack's run, we had a great run to Omaha (maybe even a title).  Winning is contagious and when you couple that with great leadership at the top of the AD, it can lead to wonderful things

    Titles in '02 and '05. I caught a few minutes of CDC on LHN the other day talking about how they like to get the coaches from all sports together and have them discuss winning strategies. He mentioned a guy like Eddie Reese having insight into the details of how to run a championship-caliber program that is valuable to coaches in other sports, and how important it is for them to communicate those lessons learned amongst all of the coaching staffs. Winning is absolutely contagious, and it seems like CDC knows that and is trying to spread the contagion around.

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  4. 11 minutes ago, hayden_horn said:

    to be fair, our players weren't exactly playing only baseball. our pitchers talking shit, clemens staring down their dugout, etc.

    Meh. The "we'll win in 2" comment by their game 2 starter was poorly thought out, as was the apparent horns down after game 1. If you say and do some shit like that and don't want your dugout stared down or pitchers to talk shit to you, then you better not throw pitches belt high or swing at junk. They blew their load in game 1 and got punked as a result.

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  5. 2 hours ago, BearSchlong said:

    For all of Amazon's technology accolades, the format of their website is awful.

    Hell yes, they clearly focus on the backend of their stack, not the frontend. Most of their AWS management interfaces are fucking terrible, just like the retail site is. I tend to use the command line to interact with AWS over using the terrible website version. Their UI/UX design is anywhere between 5 and 10 years old, which is like decades in frontend, where multiple frameworks have risen and fallen in that span. /nerdrant


    UI/UX could definitely be another place for Wal-Mart to invest and take advantage.

  6. 4 minutes ago, Aqua Buddha said:

    I'd agree with that on the tech talent and recruiting part.  WMT is 10 years behind AMZN there but they've made up some ground recently.  They're still a ways behind and it's significantly easier to do business with AMZN as a supplier.

    WMT had a big win with their store pick up, though.  Their ubiquitous real estate presence is their bigges advantage.  They should have been doing that ten years ago, though.

    Agreed, they need to be innovative with their advantages, with real estate probably being the biggest advantage they have. They were too slow to the in-store pickup game by years, they can't afford to continue being so sluggish in their adaptation to changing markets.

  7. One thing not to overlook when talking about competing technologies is talent acquisition. AMZN has been playing the software engineering recruiting game for longer than WMT, and has pushed the prestige of its engineering team into the top tier of West Coast tech. They may grind you to death, but you'll work on harder problems and learn faster than at the vast majority of other tech companies. WMT can't boast that, even though they've increased their presence in Silicon Valley. This talent acquisition experience is absolutely key in the technological arms race that retail and logistics is. If WMT isn't smart about how they invest in technology, they can burn through that $20-$30B cash flow very quickly. I'm not an Amazon fanboy, I'd never work there as a developer, but I recognize the huge lead they have on WMT in anticipating how the next generation of consumer wants to receive their products. WMT is fine in the short term, but I think in the medium to long term they have a pressing need to evolve. It remains to be seen how serious they are about addressing that need.

  8. Just wait until Amazon has perfected altered reality shopping, where you can try on clothes and maybe inspect big ticket items like BBQ grills, refrigerators, and stoves. Then combine that with their AI-powered drone-based fulfillment service and I see even Wal-Mart having a hard time staying relevant. Some of you guys are missing the benefits of being one of the leading tech companies on top of a leading retailer. They can subsidize development of these tools using profits from AWS, then both use those tools to improve their own business and sell those tools to other businesses. I usually hate the term "synergy" but this is it. This is why the market treats them like a tech company, not a retailer; because they act like a tech company, not a retailer. Their ethics are certainly questionable in some areas (I disagree entirely with how they treat their employees, from software engineer to warehouse floor worker), but their business acumen is pretty hard to criticize.

  9. 4 hours ago, Goredho said:

    The Surly Liberal Cabal have gone fucking crazy with Trump derangement syndrome. Better take a deep breath, cucks, or your Trump-hate might give you a brain autism, hah!!



    Haha stupid libcucks and their brain autism, that'll teach 'em!

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