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Luka Skywalker

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Posts posted by Luka Skywalker

  1. 2 hours ago, Harvdog said:

    I am always amazed at how some posters act like the sky is falling for a HS kid who hasn’t played a down of D1 ball.  Our haul at WR last year was elite for the Outside but panned by many posters because we didn’t get a slot.  Now we have 2 elite slots coming in along with Josh Moore and the guys who were elite last year are now garbage and if we miss on a kid from Missouri, we should fire our WR coach because he now sucks?  Giles gets hammered, yet he produces and his DL men are the best in conference but he can’t recruit and should be fired?  Y’all make no god damn sense.  We will be fine.  Let’s finish with Sanders, Bru, Caleb Lewis, Hookfin, and Coker and let Yancy and the coaches do the rest.  If kids don’t want to commit to Texas, best of luck with your decision because this train is headed to the Playoffs next year and for a MNC in Sam’s Senior year 


    Hey Harvdog, Mehringer does suck.

    • Fuck You 1
  2. 8 hours ago, SydneyCarton said:

    Dele might never play a serious down at Texas. Marcus Washington is a stud. Carson was never a highly ranked guy anyway.

    But, taking absolutely none of that into account...Go look at Mookie Cooper's highlights and silently go sit in the corner in shame, sir. 

    Why won’t Dele ever play a serious down at Texas? Did he suffer some type of injury or something?

  3. 11 minutes ago, Tex Pete said:

    Who said he isn’t? Some of you are mocking the shit out of a kid who grew up bleeding orange and who gave heart and soul to the team from the day he hit campus. He was always playing out of position and wasn’t as productive as we would have liked for him to have been, but some of you are being disgusting about it.

    He’s obviously taking it as hard as anyone. Maybe shut the fuck up for a change. 

    Taking it hard and having a screw loose are 2 separate discussions. 

    I took the loss hard by rewatching the game and seeing all the missed opportunities.

    Hager took a Bowie knife to his hand.

    • Fuck You 1
  4. 14 minutes ago, ClubWhatever said:

    Having a little common sense here is different than needing to flush with a douche.  The fact that he's still even considering USC, given that they fucking suck ass and their coach is now on a perpetual death watch, is pretty telling.

    Spot On.

  5. 10 hours ago, Best served cold said:

    Seeing teams like Pearsall in the playoffs is an absolute joke. They were 4-7 on the year. Hell a local team made the playoffs with 2 wins! When the hell did we go to every damn team making the playoffs? Lets get back to having to win district to make the playoffs. 


    Old guy rant over.


    Whittington is a beast!

    Shallowater beat Tornillo 63-0.  Shallowater was (10-0) while Tornillo was wrapping up a (0-10) season.

  6. 5 minutes ago, texifornia said:

    People were panicking about the DL last year at this time too. Lets see how things look once the season's over, we know who the late risers are, and we can hopefully unleash BC again.

    Totally agree. Just saying there’s not many big names on the board right now. At least that I’m aware of.

  7. 11 minutes ago, CastHorn said:

    Might be a broken record with this question but who are some defensive “front 7” guys we have a shot with down the stretch? Last class had some foundation type players at DT, DE, and OLB. If we are going to have any shot at being elite defensively against these Big12 offenses we got to be superior up front. No disrespect to guys like Nelson and Hager, but those guys would be at Baylor and USF if it wasn’t for Charlie. They will forever have my respect for what they have given this team but we look pedestrian against teams with average O Lines, especially when their Tackles can stretch wide runs. We have to capitalize on the 2018 class up front.

    The only one that I can think of is Myron Warren out of Louisiana. However if and when LSU offers then that one might be over.

    I doubt you will be that impressed with this years haul along the D-Line.

  8. 13 minutes ago, texifornia said:

    To be fair to Hager, who is far from my favorite player, he's outperformed his ranking and outlasted a lot of higher rated players.

    Hager is a strange dude.  I have a feeling he is not going to transition well out of playing football.

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