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Posts posted by M12BH

  1. 5 hours ago, Horn Under a Bad Sign said:

    I'm shocked ---- shocked, I say ---- that Donald Trump took an improper 100 million dollar tax write-off!



    Incorrect, the amount of the improper writeoff was $651 million, causing a tax decreae of $100 million.  So doing the math, Propublica is claiming Trump was in the 15% tax bracket. “He doesn’t make enough to break out of the lowest tax brackets, just like you and me!” Oh, wait a second…..


  2. 5 hours ago, Azbadlands said:

    For one thing, I live in a state where I have state income tax unlike Texas, and it keeps inching up.  I also live in a state that seems like overall things cost more than several other states, like gas, food, real estate, services, etc..Just going off of places I've visited, or what people I know out of state tell me.  I don't own a home, my wife and I rent, but we own land that we pay taxes on.    We both make a fairly decent income, but don't really have a lot of write offs. We both probably make a little more than the national average income, but not wealthy by any means.   I claim 2 dependents and she claims none.   We used to get maybe 5 to 6,000 in tax returns a year but this previous year we got exactly 0...Even owed money to the Fed, which was paid for by the return we got from the state so ended up with nothing.

    CPA here, there were no material income tax law changes from 2021 to 2022 so if you went from $5K refund to no refund during that period you’re doing it wrong. Perhaps a better comprehension of income tax law would 1) help prevent such unpleasant surprises and 2) cause you to understand that there is no way in blue hell that you are paying anywhere near a 60% effective tax rate. 

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  3. 1 hour ago, Skipper said:

    This.  I'm absolutely disgusted with what is going on right now in this country.  Especially after sitting with a jewish client and listening to his personal experiences in New York.  I'll stop it there because otherwise will probably get too Cloak Roomy but it's really disappointing that there isn't more backlash.  How the fuck did tacitly supporting fucking terrorists become "PC"?

    Two words.  I won't say them but they rhyme with shmanti shmemitism.  Same as it ever was.  Wish I could put on my shocked face but I just can't.  

    • Hook 'Em 1
  4. 12 hours ago, bolverk said:


    Jews lived, albeit in small numbers, in the area we call Palestine for centuries alongside their Arab/Palestinian neighbors without being exterminated. Even during the early Zionism movement, starting in the 1880s when more Jews were arriving and their numbers began to swell, they were not exterminated by their Arab/Palestinian neighbors.

    It's not a coincidence that the violence didn't really get started until about the time the UN carved out a bunch of land and the Palestinians were being kicked out of their ancestral homeland did major conflict arise. It wasn't because of any inherent hatred of the Jews (they were tolerated); it was because Palestinians being displaced (forcibly I might add) from the farms they'd been tilling and villages they'd been inhabiting for 1500 years.

    This is categorically untrue.  The Jewish National Fund began buying land in Palestine in 1903 from absentee Turks to give to the Jewish people, and when they started showing up, well, we know the rest.    See for example the Jaffa riots of 1921, the Hebron massacre of 1929 and the Arab revolt of 1936-1939. 




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  5. Somewhat surprised that this discussion is as relatively civil as it is.  As a Jewish American I am completely gutted reading about and seeing elderly Israelis gunned down at bus stops, Kibbutz families pulled from their homes and slaughtered, and worst of all, hundreds massacred and injured at a fucking open air music festival where attendees were chased down like rabbits with nowhere to hide.  And the bodies of Jewish women paraded naked through the streets of Gaza while cheering crowds spit on their corpses.  And yeah, I'll be thinking about it while attending ACL this weekend.  I'm sorry, there is NOTHING, no treatment, no policies, no grievances, and the Palestinians certainly have plenty, that justifies this. 

    One more thought - Hamas has been tolerated, if not welcomed, as the overlords of Gaza for a long time.  So Hamas acts with the tacit approval of the populace.  If the Palestinians of Gaza want peace, and "to just live their lives", maybe try a different approach and find different leaders rather than supporting a terrorist organization whose stated goal is to demolish Israel and build a Palestinian state on the bloody bodies of the hated Jews.  They fucked around and now they are about to find out. And it's going to suck for everyone.   

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  6. Started a new topic because of the urgency and didn't have time to wade through 62 pages of the other thread.  We are selling our house in NW Austin and while capping the spa controls next to the pool, Swim Pure (don't EVER use them, they suck and they are liars) fucked up the light and heat wiring and we need to get this repaired in the next two weeks.  Suggestions? Thank you!



  7. TL:DR version:

    Niece (don’t even ask, man) is part owner with her sister of an apartment in Pilsen, Czech and some shady mofo there has her POA to sell it.  The POA was her father’s doing, too much backstory to explain. Anyway, supposedly it sold and she was supposed to get her money in October, November, December, January, etc.  Now the guy with the POA has gone radio silent.  We have one document that is supposed to be the sales contract but it is of course in Czech.  It contains no dollar amounts and is dated in December.  Running it through Google Translate just gives us gibberish. Anyone know anyone who just for shits and grins, or maybe a reasonable fee, might be able to translate it or at least tell us what is says? 

  8. On 10/25/2022 at 11:30 PM, tx 3 putt said:

    if you wait until Election Day to vote, you’re asking for trouble 

    That's exactly why I'm waiting until Election Day to vote.  Want to start something with this old lady?  Bring it, motherfuckers.  

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  9. It's always been my dream to have some land in retirement where I can just peace out and just be left the fuck alone.  To that end I own 10 acres about 15 miles west of Kerrville near Mountain Home where I'll be two hours from Austin and an hour from San Antonio.  Now I'm vacillating between getting the hell out and leaving the state to the MAGATs, vs not letting them run me out of the state I've called home all my life.  Biggest pros of staying:  I can keep my own doctors (I've got a lot of them due to  numerous health issues), I will still be within reasonable distance of my family & friends, I can attend concerts and visit all my favorite restaurants whenever I want.  Cons of not moving:  Well, we all know what they are:  the heat, the fires, the traffic, the assholes running the state.  I do have some criteria for a new residence:  Has to be within an reasonable distance of a major metro area with good healthcare, good restaurants and good music, has to have access to outdoor activities - mainly hiking and biking, has to have trees (no prairie wasteland), can't be too high an elevation (migraines, although maybe they would pass), can't have frigid winters or blazing hot summers, at least for six months out of the year for either, has to be within two hours of a major airport, can't be smack dab in the middle of a bunch of fundie Republicans even if it's in a blue state.  I'm sure I'm missing plenty of pros, cons and criteria, but that's what I've come up with on short notice.

    Like many of you, my Austin house is worth a ridiculous amount of money so replacement cost is not an issue. Find me a place, go.

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  10. My goddam fucking back surgery got moved up a week. gotta miss Jack White May 25 and Old Crow Medicine Show May 31 in Austin.  Take my tickets, please. Details in For Sale.  I did score a ticket to JW in Iriving a couple of days before at least.  Been waiting to see him a long time.  

  11. 7 minutes ago, M12BH said:

    Foo is playing Moody on April 27.  I already have tickets to go see Yolo that night.  Anyone want to buy some Yolo tickets?

    Whoops wrong 27th for Yola.  I'm in the clear beeyotches.  Gonna break the bank for this one. 

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