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Artie Fatso

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Posts posted by Artie Fatso

  1. The mouthpiece of the wealthy alums eager to run the football program like their personal semi-pro team.... Del Conte benefits from the 35+ years of awful predecessors. Beyond that he has no value for Joe Sixpack  or the students.

    • Fuck You 13
  2. 6 minutes ago, mr. littlejeans said:

    point taken, but i'm not sure i'd call stidham a lame qb.

    You may be right and I don't care to argue. That said, for me, I size up QBs based on how they do against solid opponents. In this guy's case he put up 79 yds against Clemson and ran for -42 yards. Against Georgia he threw for 145 and ran for 25. Against LSU he threw for 165 and ran for 11....not embarrassing numbers but not impressive either. A 364 day against Mercer padded his final stats. I digress...on the bright side their RB had almost 1600 total yards n rushing and receiving. That speaks well for Auburn. They put up over 250 yards rushing against MSU, Ole Miss, Mizzou, Arkansas,  and Aggy. Four times  they put up over 300 rushing yards...my point is their offensive line earns recognition for that along with their OL coach.

    • Fuck You 1
  3. What is the deal with lame ass "journalists" obsessing over the fact some coaches went out and motor boated some titties while out of town? Jesus, real men need something to do off season and six days week when they are not playing in front of a bunch of lathered up fans. I say fuck all these pussies who can't find something else to write about. No one who matters gives a shit.  if Herman can help Texas win a conference title this year I hope he takes the entire staff to the creme de la creme topless joint in Texas... On more important issues - go check out Auburn vs. Alabama last year to get an idea of the influence Herb Hand brings to the table....over 400 yards total against the eventual national champion - and that was with a pretty lame QB... Texas by 35...

  4. Interest in football - over the long haul - will continue to decline because younger people have other choices and interest when it comes time to spend their money. Add on the explosion in costs associated with buying tickets and there just won't be as many folks going to the game. Hell, with all the cable cutting, there are a lot fewer even watching it on tv. Sure, wealthy alums will always be there to put up money to make college teams targets for their private interests and investments, but Joe six pack and the students are the ones being slowly locked out of the games. Wait until the conference renewals get negotiated. What you are going to see as a small group (maybe 16 large schools) getting contracts for huge sums and they are going to sign up opponents based on their whims. Texas will be the first to take the money and leave conference affiliation. Why would they do otherwise? Split what they can pull with a bunch of midgets like Baylor, TTU, TCU, Kansas State, ISU etc? The good part is Texas will be formulating strategies to play real teams that draw interest - thats why they are already signing up bg name schools.

  5. 38 minutes ago, Hornius Emeritus said:

    Pretty neat slice of Texas history. Try to view on a large computer monitor because the details are wonderful.

    Cotton Bowl, 1930:


    Texas vs. Vanderbilt on Oct. 20, 1923 in the old Fair Park Stadium, which was right next to where the Cotton Bowl is now. The Cotton Bowl was built in 1929-1930, though it wasn't named the Cotton Bowl until 1936.


    Both stadiums together in 1930. The Cotton Bowl has just been built. You can see the old Fair Park Stadium at about 5:00 o'clock on the bottom right side of the Cotton Bowl. I apologize for how blurry this is but I had to enlarge it quite a bit and it wasn't the sharpest photo to begin with.


    Very cool....one side note...not sure who won that game but Vandy has the best record against Texas of all SEC schools.

  6. 14 minutes ago, Hiphopopotamos said:


    Every time I think Aggy can't hit a new low with bizarre and perverse practice they prove me wrong. Seriously, we are going to line up to play soldier and listen to the leader of the university drone on about the death of a line bred mongrel? What do they do when a sheep dies in college station?


  7. 55 minutes ago, texifornia said:


    It's gameday in College Station. Welcome to the "OOC Schedule" segment of the famous Thujone Rollercoaster, damas y caballeros, as aggy takes on the fearsome Demons of Northwestern State University from Natchitoches (NAK-i-tish), Louisiana.


    Jesus, what are these girls, 14?

  8. 1 hour ago, Burntcowboy said:


    Well, the assistants speak from the same sheet of music. Every bromide, base and platitude is covered. On the bright side both actually answer some questions (something their boss works hard to avoid). As always the questions are weighted towards the predictable and lame. So glad to know talk is about to end and we will all see if the happy talk is matched by actions. I suspect the most important thing is team leadership. The guys that left early gave me the impression of not being sold on the new staff. If so, good riddance. At the end of the day play calling and game day coaching can only go so far. There is lots of reasons to feel confident - not in coaches, but in the players and sense of "team". When I read between the lines I don't see the same sense of player entitlement so common at Texas in recent years,. Instead, I see guys with something to prove... That is a very, very good place to be. When Texas wins big Beck will be the happiest person in the world. I appreciate Orlando and the way he responds to questions. He manages a lot of information quickly. Look for him to be the next coach at LSU....

  9. 2 hours ago, naija said:

    this is key. it's amazing how long he lasted

    Why is it amazing? It sounds like par for the course. Look no further than OSU defensive coordinator, Greg Schiano - a Penn State guy who personally witnessed sexual abuse by Sandusky and did nothing... 

  10. 26 minutes ago, SHOOTER12 said:

    The beginning of the meltdown?

    Zach Smith may have finally cracked. The now-fired Ohio State assistant coach took to Twitter on Wednesday to refute the many stories that have painted him as a volatile, unstable human being. He hasn't helped himself in that regard.

    Smith lashed out at Brett McMurphy, journalists, Ohio State and his ex-wife. It truly was an epic meltdown.



    " Edit: The guy definitely has anger issues that are just not limited to family issue.   Looks like he's going to "spread" the wealth to everyone now.

    Its always amazing to see such stupidity from supposed adults. This goes way beyond anger. 

  11. 15 hours ago, ChiTownDoc said:

    Did something happen the night he was at the scrip club w the wifebeater?  I read the ESPN story and it's missing a punchline.  Is going to a strip club a big deal for a football coach?  I honestly have no idea wtf I'm missing.  I expected some big revelation the way ESPN literally has this at the top of their list on 'Top Headlines'...

    Exactly....lots of guys like to go play with strange wool. If Herman wins I'll take some out of my Sunday school offering and chip in for the whole coaching staff to join him next time. 

  12. Revised prediction based on review of last year's game....Texas 56...Maryland 17.  Reticence on the part of LB's and DBs won't be there. TE Grey will not be playing and allowing six QB pressures. Conner Williams will not be there to repeat his worst game ever. Overall team speed is greater.  A couple of things that impressed at game last year - Texas did not quit. Texas gang tackled (a lot). Texas was very physical. There was zero problems with play calling on either side of the ball. Texas hurt itself with dumbass penalties. Shane played much better than I recalled...held on to the ball too long, but generally threw it well and showed better radar for pressure. The key will be G Johnson...Malik made several errors - though he was able to out run any of them. Texas came across as delayed in their reads on defense. Don't see that happening this year. The Maryland Line was not that great. Their success was based more on what Texas didn't do in terms of reading and anticipating where plays were going. Both teams had dreadful special teams

    • Like 1
  13. 3 minutes ago, Artie Fatso said:

    Gotta hand it to Jimbo...he dumped his wife two years ago. Probably went to Aggy because of there being no chance for any gold diggers to weasel their way up his trousers.

    Gotta love this... if true this woman will compete for some kind of stupid award (at least financially) or saw the Aggy thing coming and couldn't talk herself into college station at any price.  http://www.gossipextra.com/2016/01/05/jimbo-fisher-divorce-settlement-5536-60919

  14. 1 minute ago, Scholz said:

    Oh yes they do.  Like an ex wife with 8 kids for the next 10 years.

    Gotta hand it to Jimbo...he dumped his wife two years ago. Probably went to Aggy because of there being no chance for any gold diggers to weasel their way up his trousers.

    • Like 1
  15. 9 minutes ago, Scholz said:

    Well that was a quick 3-year slide, eh John Sharp?  What say you?

    Texas A&M chancellor John Sharp issued a response to the University of Texas' decision to start selling beer at football games in June of 2015 by saying, “Our athletic program has not reached the point where we require the numbing effects of alcohol.”

    They have to pay for their stadium after pledge commitments dropped considerably over the past two years. Plus...they have to pay for Jimbo

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