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Captain Obvious

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Posts posted by Captain Obvious

  1. 8 minutes ago, Lidig8r said:

    Urban employed some pretty dumb attorneys. Whoever drafted that nonsense needs to be taken out and horsewhipped.

    He is now placed himself in a firm position of, "I did report it." And there had better be proof.

    If he did, someone up the chain of command is going to have his head chopped off.

    If there is no tangible proof that he reported it, he just sealed his fate.

    They'll find/pay some secretary/student worker to say they lost the email.

  2. 12 minutes ago, Hiphopopotamos said:

    So Urban is saying he reported the 2015 incident. 

    His answers at Big10 media day were the unfortunate byproduct of not being ready to answer those types of questions?  Are you fucking kidding me?  Did he forget he reported the incident?

    Guess they're going to throw the AD or compliance office under the bus?

    He didn't say when he reported the incident.

    Clearly, he learned of the incident after Big 10 media day, but before McMurphy broke his story, and reported it to the proper authorities..  Nothing to see here.

  3. 8 minutes ago, Chet Steadman said:

    Sheeeeet.  He’s not getting fired is he?

    If they're dumb enough not to fire him/have him "step aside voluntarily for the good of the university", I'm sure McMurphy has more details he can share publicly.  tOSU can get off the Aggy-like coaster now, or suffer a more spectacular crash down the road.

    • Like 4
  4. 11 minutes ago, ButtFumble said:


    even if they wanted to keep urban would he stick around after they send his wife to the curb?

    sure he is leaving a hell of a lot of cash on the table to "stick up for" his wife, but if they throw her under the bus and keep him that would still make him look like a shit bag and make it look like he let his wife take the fall because who would believe she did not tell him

    plus if they are ready to shit can her, but not him he can still get a couple of million most likely if he goes in and says he is leaving and he can either leave the easy way or leave the hard way with the hard way being blowing up the program on the way out.....they would pay in a heart beat

    if the txt are true his wife is fucked no matter what


    damn just looking tOSU has some shitty fan forums I can't figure out what is the main one and they all suck as far as formatting



    There's an 760-page thread on Urban there if you've got free time on your hands...

  5. 11 minutes ago, SDG said:

    I think in the eyes of the odds makers it’s more like “tOSU wouldn’t consider Jimbo.”   

    Nah, it's clearly because everyone knows no amount of money could pry Jimbo from the glorious athletic and academic powerhouse that is Aggy.

    • Like 1
  6. 10 minutes ago, Oakbrook said:

    OK, how is domestic abuse between coach & wife related to Title IX?

    Had nothing to do with coed and/or student athlete.  No one was deprived of educational opportunity or scholarship.

    Type slowly so I can understand.

    Shelley Meyer is a RN and instructor at tOSU.  This makes her an employee of tOSU.  Universities that receive federal funding can be held legally responsible when it knows about and ignores incidents of sexual assault or harassment in its programs. 


    Doesn't matter that Courtney Smith wasn't a coed or student athlete.  Shelley Meyer knew, thus tOSU knew (at least in the eyes of Title IX even if she didn't tell anyone else), and is legally responsible for not taking action.

  7. 6 minutes ago, UncleBuck said:

    I thought there was more before that?

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    Earlier incidents occurred in 2009, when Herman was at Iowa State.  Regardless, the only incidents relevant to Meyer's denials were those from October 0f 2015.

  8. 4 minutes ago, UncleBuck said:

    Herman was around then, maybe Zach Smith's "supervisor"(?) Hear it may be hard to consider Herman with that being the case.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    Herman was already at Houston at the time of the 2015 incident(s).

  9. 8 minutes ago, Patrick Bateman said:

    Ryan Day named acting HC over Schiano.  Urban's gone, but how many other folks go down with the ship?  Gene Smith gone too?  I would imagine.

    Between this and the sexual misconduct scandal, a lot of people should be going down with the ship.

  10. 13 minutes ago, PW119 said:

    I'll think he's gonna have a Briles-like stink about him that won't be washed away for a while - maybe ever.  This situation at OSU is not quite as bad as Baylor, but when you combine Florida + OSU......

    3 national titles says many schools will find this situation much more palatable than Briles', should Meyer get fired/leave for health reasons.

  11. 30 minutes ago, kopp0e said:

    Your probably correct... I wonder if the AD at Kansas would fire Beaty to hire Meyers..?

    They might be the only D1 power conference team willing to take on all that baggage.  What's the NCAA gonna do if Meyer screws up at Kansas, give their football program the death penalty?  Can't kill what's already dead.

  12. 27 minutes ago, Sbbruin said:

    Dennis Dodd coming off like an assclown for ripping Bryce Love for going to summer classes instead of P12 Media Day.

    Uh, pretty idiotic.  Kid should be commended.


    Dennis Dodd sounds like he needs to start covering the SEC exclusively.  This attitude fits in perfectly in that conference.

    • Like 2
  13. 12 minutes ago, Ricky Butler said:

    If all that criteria has to be met, then sure. But what we don't know is if Lebron has already made up his mind, and is just going to stick to his plan Kawhi or not.

    The Lakers have far less time here to pay up or risk losing out.  If they want all three, Kawhi has to be traded to them before everything else to make the money work.  Furthermore, LeBron has expressed through his handlers that he doesn't want to be the first star to jump ship to LA this offseason.  Yeah, LeBron could always change his mind even if Kawhi is traded to LA.  I really, really doubt LA is willing to take that risk and end up whiffing on everyone this offseason because they don't want to include an extra young player and an extra pick or two.

  14. 10 minutes ago, Ricky Butler said:

    I'm not referencing any particular offer. Just saying that this situation is not normal, and the Lakers aren't the only team in a pickle.

    True, but the Lakers are trying to woo the best player in the NBA (LeBron), as well as bring in Kawhi and PG to compete for championships.  That play likely goes out the window if they don't get Kawhi.  They are risking the chance to be one of the front runners for the NBA title for the next few years.

    The Spurs are rebuilding once Kawhi leaves, with or without a shitty Lakers pick and a decent young player, which is what the Lakers are offering at this point.

    The Spurs have far less to lose than the Lakers.

  15. 7 minutes ago, Llogg said:

    The Cavs got a broken star coming off a career altering (borderline ending) injury, a borderline rotation 3 and D guy, and a throw away scrub plus one first round pick for Kyrie on a two year deal. Even a blind homer should be able to see that Kawhi coming off a mysteriously worse than predicted injury on a one year deal is not worth more than that.

    Just because the Cavs FO made a dumb move doesn't mean the Spurs should follow their lead.  Let Leonard play out the year or rot on the bench if he's still "injured" and he can take the huge pay next offseason to play in Los Angeles.

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