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Delta Charlie

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Posts posted by Delta Charlie

  1. Just wanted to add that I thought Bill Walton was awesome.  All these stories that have come out since he passed have been great to read/see. Man, what a great life he lived. The word "legend" is not enough to apply to Bill. I still use "throw it down big man, throw it down" in my every day life.

    • Like 3
  2. 1 hour ago, thrillhammer said:

    What is the correct order of the border trilogy?  is it the border, the force, the cartel?

    Power of the dog 

    The Cartel

    The Border



    The Force is a standalone book about a NYC detective.

  3. 1 hour ago, CooterBrown said:

    My wife texted and said she came on at 10:20 and it was hot AF.

    Let us know when the show ends. I'm dropping off my wife, daughter, SIL and niece at tomorrow's show and want to know when I should be back to the Moody to pick them up.

  4. 5 hours ago, NoName said:

    he's a damn good writer. highly recommend the Danny Ryan books, highly recommend the cartel/power of the dog series and highly recommend The Force (which was optioned to be a movie and still hasn't happened yet)

    oh hell yeah. i started with the power of the dog/cartel series and read the Force as well. i liked the boone daniels books too  winslow is awesome. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  5. Just finished the last of Don Winslow's 3 novel set about Danny Ryan.  "City in Ruins" closes out the story and is Winslow's final book.  All his stuff is great, but this series was excellent. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  6. Anybody else hear Rick Neuheisel on Sirius XM this morning flat out say that Alabama is investigating Texas for tampering with  Bond?  It didn't sound to me like he was assuming anything. He flat out said it.  Can Bama really be that desperate?  Looks like they are finally learning how it is not be living up on Mt. Saint Saban.

    • Hook 'Em 1
    • Haha 8
  7. On 1/11/2024 at 2:19 PM, GenXer said:

    Ride and Charlatans was a surprisingly good show. My expectations were tempered given their age.

    A couple noteworthy things about Ride. They didn’t play Twisterella. That sucked. They’re also really loud. I went to 35 shows last year only Ride and Ravonettes registered on my personal too loud scale. I had to back away from the stage to get to a comfortable listening distance.

    Charlatans had better stage charisma. Lead singer engaged with the audience a lot. They finished strong with The Only One I Know and Sproston Green.

    I also was at the Charlatans show. I fuckin' love "Some Friendly" and "Between 10th and 11th".  Thought it was cool they played the latter in its entirety.  Sproston Green is a great end of show song.  The last time I saw them was in 2015 at Fun Fun Fun Fest.

  8. 6 minutes ago, Superhero said:

    Which audio book version do you listen to? The only version I've listened to is narrated by Will Patton. I've listened to about 40-50 audiobooks so far and he is BY FAR the best one. His Holly Gibney is really good from Mr. Mercedes through If it Bleeds.

    I'm hoping he will continue to narrate the SK books.

    Completely agree. Will Patton is one of the best.  He's read all the Bill Hodges/Holly Gibney books and stories except for "Holly".  I get all my audio books from audible.com.  

    Another King narrator that I really enjoy is Craig Wasson. He read "11-22-63".

    • Hook 'Em 3
  9. I think today's PC was probably the best he ever he has done. His answer to the question about the portal was really good. His response to the one about culture was also very good. It's so easy to see why Sark is a great recruiter.  He doesn't whine. He doesn't play the victim card. I know he's had some issues on game day and he's getting better at that. But off the field with the media and with recruits, he's elite.  

    • Hook 'Em 7
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  10. 11 minutes ago, HtownHorn said:

    I still remember when aggy was happy they won out on the LJ Johnson recruitment. I said back then that Brooks would have a better college career, because Johnson didn't appear to like playing football. aggy is now peak late tenure Mack Brown, chasing star rankings with little to no development.

    Kind of like the opposite of the Ced Benson/Derek Farmer debate.  Many aggys would have bet their life Farmer was going to better than Ced Benson and that Benson was overrated.  Oh look how the tables turned.  Brooks is going to hit 1k yards this year and Johnson might transfer (if he hasn't already).

  11. Just finished "Holly".  Really did like it.  I really have enjoyed all the books of the "Mr. Mercedes" world. I do them in audio and the narrator for "Holly" was by the actress that played Holly in the Mr. Mercedes tv show.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  12. I've two hairline cracks on the lower part of my Pentair Quad DE filter.  I found that my water level losing more water than usual, so I tracked it down to losing it drip by drip through the cracks. I can buy just the lower assembly online. But, to hold me over, I disassembled it and covered the leaks from the interior with two coats of flex seal. It needs about another 24 hour to fully cure before I put it back in service. It's only temporary to get me through the next month of swim season.


    Anybody ever tried something like this before? 

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