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Posts posted by hookem17

  1. 9 minutes ago, George said:

    Can someone explain what happen with the expert witnesses.  are they not allowed to testify 

    The defense’s reconstructionist was excluded. For expert testimony to be admissible, the expert’s specialized knowledge must assist a layperson (i.e. a juror) in determining a fact issue. The court determined that some of the subject matter the expert was going to testify about did not require an expert explanation; that is, the jurors could understand the issue without the assistance of the expert. 

    Expert testimony must also be based on sufficient facts and data. The court determined that the remaining portion of the expert’s testimony was too arbitrary and hypothetical to be admissible. 

  2. 2 minutes ago, hullabelew said:

    They are going to keep doing this until the judge makes them stop.  


     It’s Friday afternoon after a week of testimony. Plus the most exciting witness  testified this morning. The jury isn’t listening anymore. The defense is just waiting for recess so they can build up their defense through experts tomorrow when the jury is fresh again. 

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  3. 5 minutes ago, TwiceHorn said:

    Maybe it's just me, but all this testimony about going to the wrong apartment now seems almost irrelevant.

    It now seems to be all about what happened at the door.

    Unless they say “I walked into an apartment with with a doormat, even though mine didn’t have one, and a cracked open door, behind which I could hear a person walking around,” it doesn’t seem like it should move the needle.

  4. 1 minute ago, TXSooner518 said:

    Especially, again, given she wasn't a random CHL holder carrying, but that she also had mace, knife, taser, and the biggest one, police radio. Also neighbors in close proximity. Isn't like seeing your front door cracked in your house where the nearest other person is maybe 50 yards away or something, and couldn't hear yelling.

    It wasn’t just that the door was cracked. She said she heard someone walking around and made the decision to put herself in a situation where she would have to shoot him. 

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