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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by Dilligas

  1. On 7/16/2019 at 5:32 PM, SHOOTER12 said:

    This... Reading the last several posts about Sam had me thinking about how these guys are really still just kids. It must take a hell of a lot of maturity to properly handle all of the attention and hero worship.  I think (know) I'd have been a complete arrogant asshole in the same situation.

    Guess what I'm saying is that I'm damned proud of how our higher profile players handle things with dignity and class. (For the most part)

    Hook 'em🤘

    I’ve often wondered how much coaching is done because it seems like most players parrot what the HC espouses. I guess that goes back to the “buying into the culture” thing although I believe it’s more of a “us against them” philosophy. Meaning the team in the locker room against everyone else mentality.

    I hope I remember to ask Super Bill if it was the same with DKR next time I see him.

  2. 18 minutes ago, Steel Shank said:

    In the event I get into an altercation that could potential end up on this fine website full of distinguished fellows, I'd like to be sure and voice the correct terms and monikers as I compete in my bout. From these videos, I see that there are many things to sat whilst in combat. Should I share:

    a. "Sup nigga?" [repeatedly]

    b. "Bitchass nigga" [repeatedly]

    c. "Get you some"

    d. "I told you"

    e. 'I'm African"

    f. some combo of the above

    Thanks for any help you can provide.  

    Don’t forget “blisten” to me

  3. On 6/3/2019 at 10:35 PM, AUS-97HORN said:

    I was really impressed that with the exception of Powers Boothe, they pretty much got every major actor in there some screentime. The only two I can think of that they didnt kill who didnt make the movie was Cy Tollliver's 2nd in command- Con Stapleton & Andy Cramer, the gambler/Smallpox guy who became a minister. 

    I guess because they couldnt do Cy Tolliver they went ahead and cut out any Bella Union storylines that didnt involve Joanie


    Didn’t Andy get gutted by CY on the porch in the final episode of the series?

    I only know cause I watched the last few episodes last week.

  4. Had some ball clouds this afternoon SW of Sonora coming out of Mexico (need the wall!) that were really cool looking until my buddy said they're usually associated with tornadic activity.

  5. 5 hours ago, Steel Shank said:

    I like The Marty Stuart Show on RFD.

    I listen to the Red Stegall show frequently on the drive back from Sonora Sunday mornings and he also has a show on RFD, Somewhere west of Wall Street. Interesting dude.

    • Like 2
  6. 3 hours ago, Brisketexan said:

    Whether you like it or not, that is the right we are afforded living in a democratic society is it not? Speak your mind without reprisal? Dude may be an idiot but he has the right. As opposed to many other countries where he migh be stoned or hanged.

  7. On 3/4/2019 at 7:38 PM, Dilligas said:

    I want to believe he was a sick bastard but my cynical self says these are money grubbing fucks making up stories. It would be so easy considering Jackson’s actions. Show me those videos in the closet within the closet.

    Guess I have no faith in humanity anymore. If these parents let their kids stay with a grown man would they balk at lying to make millions?

    Havent watched more than 30 minutes so I may be proven an idiot, but that won’t be the first time. I always thought he was that way so I’m not sure why I’m questioning it now.

    Yeah I’ve got to stop drinking Whiskey and posting. Couldn’t make it through the whole thing. Those kids looked so believable in the interviews. Fuck me. And this world

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  8. I want to believe he was a sick bastard but my cynical self says these are money grubbing fucks making up stories. It would be so easy considering Jackson’s actions. Show me those videos in the closet within the closet.

    Guess I have no faith in humanity anymore. If these parents let their kids stay with a grown man would they balk at lying to make millions?

    Havent watched more than 30 minutes so I may be proven an idiot, but that won’t be the first time. I always thought he was that way so I’m not sure why I’m questioning it now.

  9. At 9:06 tonight Armybrat died








    his hair. A deep, dark brown. The same as in his going to war pics before Normandy.

    Ride on the wings of eagles my friend.

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