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  1. You think open borders, abolishing of ICE, socialized medicine, pro abortion, is good?
  2. Why? You not happy enough with 99 percent libs on here?
  3. I've seen Wilson a few times too. He will be good in college. His hands are ridiculous. I'm not worried about losing him one bit. We have quite a few studs committed and on campus. Wilson can enjoy that crap hole.
  4. Funny you should mention student loans. I just put two kids through college. Got zero help. Meanwhile I know of someone who made about the same amount as I did but got all kinds of help because her husband is too lazy to work.
  5. Please by all means, name them.
  6. Thanks I needed a good laugh after that Cowboy game.
  7. Got to get back to the Cowboy game. Half is over. God Bless all, no matter what side you are on. We are Americans after all. We just don't all agree.
  8. I support responsibility. Not abortion. Starts at home.
  9. Oh but CNN is great huh? Don Lemon, Cuomo? Seriously?
  10. It will probably happen unfortunately with all the Californians moving here. It's getting crazy out there. Sadly.
  11. No thanks to LBJ. You can thank good ol Ronnie Reagan for ending the Cold War. Hey if you think it's right for people to pop out kids and live off the government then that is your opinion. If you think it's ok for the U.S to pay for medical care and support illegal aliens then that is your problem.
  12. Thanks. Let me state. I am not a Cruz fan. I just don't get all the Beto hype. The guy talks forever and basically says nothing.
  13. You might find more of your kind in New York or California.
  14. Well I don't agree with Beto and his socialism. He has no substance. Most Texans agree with this. LBJ was one of the worst presidents in history because of the mess that he created with the Great Society. Welfare has had a very detrimental effect on this nation. Whatever. Everyone has their opinion. God Bless whatever side you are on.
  15. So everyone who isn't a liberal is a troll? Is there any objectivity on this board?
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