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Posts posted by Boogaloo

  1. 11 minutes ago, Chad said:

    Henry owned Earl all night. If you're gonna talk a big game you better bring it.


    Yep , love Earl but Henry just bullied him, bad look after he ran his mouth. 

    And he’s not the player that he was in the Seahawks legion of boom years , sucks what age does to all of us

  2. I can understand the move, I think the writing was on the wall for his stay in Wazzu, he's taken it as far as it will go unfortunately given the size of the school the available funding and the remote location. Moving to the SEC and into prime recruiting territory is a step up. 

    Also as mentioned don't discount the huge reduction in travel time to Key West. Travelling in and out of Pullman is not a quick task 

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  3. 3 minutes ago, texifornia said:

    Personally thought Ohio State - Clemson was a lot better. It felt like it had much more of an violent edge to it, and the style of football was more entertaining.

    Honestly, it hasn't been a vintage bowl season except for a select few of them (hello Indiana barfing up the Gator Bowl). You expect more madness.

    Rose Bowl, Minnesota/Auburn & OSU/Clemson have been my top games entertainment wise. 

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