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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by USMCHorn

  1. 17 minutes ago, futureman said:

    seems an odd comment.  why would he take anyone, ever, who he didn’t believe could develop into a championship caliber player?

    Because Texas High School coaches need a reminder that we won’t just sign a Texas kid if he’s not up to standard.

    • Like 1
  2. 1 minute ago, Casual Encounter said:

    Won’t be funny if he’s lighting it up on our defense. Mainly, don’t want to listen to the announcers talk about his recruitment for 3.5 hours.

    “Won’t be funny if he’s lighting up our defense” Lmao Jesus....

  3. 1 hour ago, TreatyOak said:

    First of all, thank you for your service. I appreciate that you served for this country that I love. 

    Sam is completing the best and more importantly, the most meaningful season as a Texas QB since Colt McCoy in 2009. Even more important than his performance on the field is how he is influencing the culture to take us from being used to losing to winning. This off-season, if players dare to slack off, they will have to answer to him. That's why he won the job in the first place and that is a HUGE win for us. 


     No, dude I love Sam, it was the first thing I said, but this is a bit much for a QB who hasn’t won a championship of any kind yet. Hell, Sam would probably tell you that himself. The standard is high at Texas. You know that, I know that, he knows that. He’ll win soon enough, until then let’s hold the thank you cards.

  4. 8 minutes ago, closetojumping said:


    No, it isn’t. Charlie Strong is one of the most disorganized dufuses in the sport.  A year removed from the program, you think he’s calling around with contacts in the NFL and talking up players on the Texas roster. That’s fanboi bullshit from Chuckles Strong Apologists. 

    Seattle scouts the fuck out of Texas. If you think Poona Ford was some sort of secret to them that needed a boost from some mindless rube in Tampa, then you have your heads firmly shoved up your assholes when it comes to how this shit works. 

    Charlie Strong is the worst coach in the history of Texas football. Please stop going out of your way to insert him in shit like this. If he was this good, he’d still fucking be here. 

    Look I get it, you hate Charlie. But are you really saying he wouldn’t put in a word for Poona because he’s too dumb? You realize how ridiculous that sounds? Your extreme hate for a coach that’s no longer here makes you worse than these “apologists” you speak of. Calm the fuck down.

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  5. Just now, Gene Parmesan said:

    So lets assume it's a repeat of this year and Helton is gone and now he's unemployed again.  You don't think the same type of offers are going to be on the table?  I think he's still the pick of the litter as far as college OCs go.  Not sure what NFL OC offers he has, but for sure NFL consultant/assistant will still be there.

    This speculation is pointless because the most important thing is what KK has as a end goal. Does he just want a P5 HC job or does he want the NFL to give home a coaching position?

  6. Both CJ and LJH are leaning towards coming back and that was BEFORE the BIGXII Championship game. In fact, LJH's mom tweeted after the Tech game that they made a promise to each other not to talk about the decision until after the bowl game. 

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