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Posts posted by hundredTT

  1. 1 minute ago, Patrick Bateman said:

    PJ vs KD!!!!  I love it.  Playoff intensity.

    Fuck yes. Van Gundy was right, wasn't nothing but two brothers battling during the playoffs. NBA needs more of it! 

  2. 6 hours ago, Nole-4-Life said:

    Lacy gonna Lacy. She couldn't even give us some drama before tapping. They should never let her within 100 miles of this show again.

    She’s been on the show like 5 damn times, don’t get it. Good riddance.


    Suzanne has always bugged me with her “mom approach” trying to over think and talk everything and criticize or debate every decision. Have her a pass with the two dipshits she teamed with before, hopefully she tones it down. Great first 2 episodes. 

  3. Just watched with my nephew and it is fucking amazing! A lot of cussing and the gore is crazy, but my nephew is 10 and he’s heard those words before. I felt like a kid again watching it ha. Will be watching again when my bro comes into town this weekend. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  4. On 4/13/2021 at 6:29 PM, Underdog said:

    A lot of people involved with Liberty need to choke on a goddamn wet teddy bear...  the fuck?  

    Yes, those are the worst. And Doug and the limu emu commercials have never been funny or clever. Just awful. 

    There’s a guy version of the “build me up buttercup” motorcycle commercial now, pure rage. 

  5. 1 hour ago, Vic Mackey said:


    This has to be one of the most infuriating things about women. Like how fucking insecure are you? My ex would literally yell “love meeee” at times when I was busy. I can’t take the neediness, and have never been more happy to be single in my life...was with someone who had to even call and talk to me after she left work until she got home. Ughhh

    • Hook 'Em 1
  6. 3 hours ago, futureman said:


    He's probably pulling a sliver of roast beef or what have you. Women are intent on not opening the top to let the heat out, plus it's rude to pick on food. Closing the lid can loud, so you have to do it ever so gently or else your caught and scolded. 

  7. Day 1in the books. I got stabilized pretty very nice at the hospital, blood pressure and heart race were off the charts and now still not ideal, manageable. Drinking also for me to the obesity level because I’d drink from like 4pm-8pm hardcore, then eat like shit, then one last round 9-passing out. My labs thank god were t as bad as I thought and liver was high, but not to the danger zone and doc said it will recover if I stay away from the poison. Last nights sleep was rough, kept waking up and like delusional and just having random things that made no sense piping in my head. I was prescribed chlordiazepoxide, which made me very sleepy. Taking it every 4 hours until tomorrow. Today is already 10x better than yesterday, but I know I have a ways to go, just for the detox. Thanks for the support, love reading this thread. 

    Oh, and I felt like an asshole because I was taken back pretty quick while others were waiting, because they still had a lot of covid and other serious injured people needing a bed, and I felt like my issue was caused because of my selfishness in not taking care of this years ago. But I guess they dont fuck around with patients withdrawing. 

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