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Wyatt Mann

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Posts posted by Wyatt Mann

  1. Storage spaces can be dangerous. I had stored stuff Austin Self Storage(formerly Grenada storage). A thief once tried to break a lock leading to the building. A friend of mine had his unit broken into, and the thief(Manuel Muro of Austin/Corpus Christi) used stole his identity. This guy had previously used credit card numbers from his customers at Red Lobster in Austin to steal.


    The Hancock Center Public Storage has had a few close calls. And yes, you have to worry about employees as well. The security system there has cameras that are probably from the early 90s.

  2. One thing about the sopranos that made me wonder. Everyone who is about to get whacked seems oblivious to it. Adriana lacerva, Angelo garepe, Emil kolar, etc.

    And they seem to get over people disappearing/dying relatively easily.

  3. Facebook is indeed fucking up. Guess I'm not the only one. I was preparing an ad for a duplex rental. Proofread the listing, got the pics and what not in order....then I hit "post" and got the "oops something went wrong". The kind of first world problem that drives one into a fit of rage.

  4. I wanna show you some old pics of me when I was little!

    5yo: cool!

    Okay, lemme go get them

    (Goes upstairs to get old photo albums)

    5yo: but daddy, your phone is right here!

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