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Posts posted by smwhorn

  1. Bumping this thread.

    We're doing an Athens - Athens cruise for our 35th wedding anniversary.  We are not stopping in Santorini or Milos.  Once back in Athens, we'll have four days and three nights before our flight back from Athens.  Try to hit both Santorini and Milos?  This will be end of October so we will not have the summer crowds.  We'll be in Athens for three days and two nights before we get on the boat.

  2. On 3/13/2024 at 7:13 AM, GhostOfTomJoad said:

    One of my favorite concert moments was at a Bruce show (maybe The Rising tour?) When Joe Ely joined him on stage and the E Street Band backed him on All Just To Get To You. Joe just owned that stage being the consumate pro that he is, and the E Streeters proved why they're one of (maybe the?) best bar band of all time. They were all having a blast & played the shit out of that song. I've seen Joe join Bruce several times since, but that moment is burned in my brain. Joe deserved to be there.

    I was there. Great show. I think the 1984 Thanksgiving show was better though. Best I ever saw there. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  3. Bumping this thread.

    Mrs. Smwhorn and I binged it over the past few days.  It was our first time through.  Really fucking good but there's just some shit I didn't understand or am not smart enough to have caught the first time through.  Unfortunately, it took me 10 years to watch it the first time.  I am going to look for one thing though without binging a second time.  Trying not to "spoil" anything and being as bland and generic as possible, I want to know why they didn't notice the "bad guy" the first time they came across him.

  4. I think we cover and win.  ZERO legitimate or arguable reasons to think so considering how shitty we have played recently, but from time to time, we just win some games we shouldn't win.  Gut feeling.  Nothing else.  No, I'm not betting any of you sumbitches any money on my gut feeling.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  5. 4 hours ago, CHIEF said:

    My whole household had RSV from the week before Christmas until early January. We didn't even have family Christmas with my Mother until January 8th. The doctor put us on a z-pack and prednisone to keep from having a secondary infection and let it run its course.


    I'm surprised actually at how hard this is beating me up.  No fever but coughing, sore throat, hacking up crap, headache and very fucking tired.

  6. Tested positive for RSV yesterday.  I'm 61.  It is hitting me pretty hard.  It put me flat on my back for a couple of days with some very painful coughing/hacking, congestion, etc.  Feel a little bit better today and am hopefully over the hump.  Doc said no medication would help.  Just over the counter stuff and let it run its course.  The internets seem to say the same thing.  If anyone has any tricks that worked, I'm listening.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  7. 1 hour ago, henrygandorf said:

    yes, it's fantastic.

    and for a show that got cancelled literally years ago, there have been way too many articles written post-mortem about how it might come back or how fucking dead it is.  we know it's expensive and according to fincher, netflix doesn't want to pay for it.  not sure any of that has changed. 

    as far as i've seen, netflix only likes throwing money into fireplaces, so i'm not getting my hopes up.

    I read the book several years ago.  Great read.

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