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Posts posted by smwhorn

  1. 10 minutes ago, Bevo&Pevo said:

    My aggy wife says "johnny football".  I say "johnny foolzball".

    When the program was showing Kevin Sumlin, the wife says "what we wouldn't do to have Sumlin back".  LOL.

    Dude.  Rules are rules.

  2. Saw it last night with Mrs. Smwhorn.  Completely full theatre.  Every seat filled.  It's really good.  

    Margot Robbie is great.  Gosling is good but I think others could have played the role.  Robbie was so good I just don't really see anyone else playing her and doing as good a job.  

  3. 6 minutes ago, UTexasFight said:


    you don’t touch the base or you lose contact with it and the tag is still on you, you’re out. I don’t care if the ball beat you there by 30 feet. This isn’t a strike zone where there is judgement involved. It’s either you were tagged without /before touching the base and you’re out or you’re  not. 

    my beef has always been with the fielder who has to slap the runner and immediately show his glove to the ump.

    the ball hasn’t gone anywhere. The ump doesn’t need to see you holding up a ball inside your glove….meanwhile the runner popped off the bag and you could have tagged him out. Keep the glove on the runner until time is called . Idk why that isn’t drilled in to every infielder 


  4. 6 minutes ago, WBT said:

    Your only safe when touching a base is pretty integral to the spirit of the game imo

    Have to agree with this take (other than, of course, the your vs. you're).  If the catcher had gone down low and the runner tries to jump over the tag but misses the plate, he would still break the plane.  If he gets tagged before he goes back and touches the plate/base, he's out.

    Regardless, Tucker was safe.


  5. 26 minutes ago, gyroprotagonist said:

    saw it Thursday.  thought it was fantastic if a little long.  I watched 1-5 (all the MI movies are on Paramount+, which i somehow get through my Amazon Prime membership) and the opening of Fallout prior to seeing the current one.

    If this does not do well, the studios are going to start slashing budgets because Americans may just be giving less fucks about movies going forward.

    When I got on the inter-nets yesterday morning to see if I could purchase tickets, except for a couple of late afternoon IPIC showings, I pretty much had my pick of any theatre at any time during the day yesterday.  I was surprised by the availability of same day tickets.


  6. Saw it last night with Mrs. Smwhorn (no pics, I'll cut you man).  

    I saw 1, 2 and 3 many MANY years ago.  We did not see 4, 5, 6.  

    I was a bit lost at times about some of the relationships and whether there was a history between some of the characters, especially all those on the train toward the end of the movie.  I still thought it was great.  I'll need to watch it again before Part II.  I need to get me some of those masks though.  Those work great . . . . .

  7. 16 hours ago, Gil Bang said:

    If this is the same cunt that made Dunkirk, his film making rights should be permanently revoked. 

    That movie was 100% dogshit.   He fucking sucks.  He could make 10 of "The Godfather" and it wouldn't make up for Dunkirk.

    I'm going to have to respectfully disagree with this take.  

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  8. Saw a friend post on Facebook (so we know it has to be true) that they are closing the boat ramp at Mansfield Dam.  If that's true, the only public ramp open is the one at Pace Bend Park.  Could use some rain I suppose.

  9. 16 minutes ago, Wally Fairway said:

    IMO - that is just grandstanding by a politician. The merger of sports leagues doesn't really impact the general consumer; otherwise the ABA and NBA championships would still exist, along with the AFL/NFL, and if I recall there were some attempts at something with tennis (but maybe that was the team tennis, too lazy to look it up).


    Haven't read any of the articles but my guess is the concern of a foreign gov't taking active ownership and partial control.  Just a guess though.  

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