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Posts posted by SKJ

  1. 3 hours ago, Johnny Sack said:

    I don't oppose wic.  I think it's one of the better programs we have.  

    I am against abortions once there is both a heartbeat and brain waves because that's about the best I can figure as when life begins  -- I think that is probably 8-10 weeks. Once life begins that life, in my view, has some rights to be protected and certainly outweighs convenience of the partents. If you need an abortion for convenience because you did not use protection, the protection failed, or you did not avail yourself to Plan B, then get one in the first 10 weeks.

    And after that if they cannot afford to raise a child or just don't want it, put it up for adoption.  Or drop it off at a fire station or hospital -- there is a Baby Moses law that allows a parent to do this within first 60 days no questions asked.

    Unless it is necessary to protect the mother's life, I do not see why anyone should be getting an abortion after 10 weeks.


    And yet this case has also triggered bills that target contraceptive medicines.

    Do you support that?  In some of these states they'll ban plan b, and other contraceptives like IUD's.

    That's the rabbit hole. 

    So stop being a party to those assholes who want to trek other people how to live their lives.  You don't agree with abortion?  Don't fucking have one. 

    I remember when the right was all about personal freedom.  What happened to that?  Now their about imposing their beliefs on others. 

    I could go on and on about the hypocrisy in the right... like trying to take away the citizenship of foreign babies born on US soil.  It's in the fucking constitution,  yet they don't like it,  so they go after it.  Originalist doctrine is only applied when they agree, otherwise it's done new bullshit test or rule they come up with. 

    Basically,  what I'm saying is,  mind your own fucking business and stay out of everyone else's lives... you know,  like you guys used to say all the fucking time,  even if it was always a bullshit lie.  Live up to your beliefs. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  2. 3 hours ago, slorch said:

    Few things:

    1.  Never thought Roe V Wade would be overturned. It still might not be.  It's a fool's errand, the overturning that is.  That being said, abortion will remain legal in much of the land.  It's not just going to wiped out.

    2. I do feel it's a deliberate attempt to galvanize the left in the face of upcoming elections  to answer for horrific judgment and results on other every day issues.  Yeah Alito, but he's not the one who leaked it.

    3. The demonstrations at the judges' homes are wrong. Take your stand on public areas, and no, that shouldn't include the streets by their domiciles. If i'm a judge and make any public statement at all, I'm telling folks if they fuck with me, there's zero chance I am reconsidering that opinion.

    4. I am anti-abortion, but I believe it should be legal, mostly due to the wide variance of belief in "when life begins." I feel like if I don't believe it's right, that I shouldn't have one( or my partner.)  While a very significant part of my inner belief wants to stand up for the unborn and be their voice; I do respect the( current) legality and choice of the woman to her convictions.   Basically, if you disagree with abortion, don't have one; but I don't to tell someone else what to do.  

    5. I don't think anyone is 100% right on this issue.  The law doesn't define morality in this case. 

    Wrt point 3... didn't the court say protesting outside the homes and clinics of doctors who provide care was legal?  

    Didn't this court say that it's legal to place a shitload of hurdles up before a woman can have an abortion? 

    Isn't this court a disingenuous piece of shit thanks to fucking dumbass political right wing fucking originalist judges who think we're still living in the 1700's?

     fuck these judges.  Fuck them straight to hell. They should never rest peacefully again.  These originalist cocksuckers will prop up slavery, since that's our original sin as a nation. 

     fuck them all.  

    47 minutes ago, Johnny Sack said:

    It really isn't.  And that's the problem.  The pro choice people think pro lifers want to subjugate women and the pro lifers think pro choicers support murdering babies.  So the sides talk past each other.

    It's always funny that people who hate welfare, and wic, and other social programs to help young mothers,  are opposed to abortion.  It's like you want to punish them for having sex, then punish them again for having a baby you force them to have. 

    You sick,  twisted fucks

    • Hook 'Em 5
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  3. On 5/12/2022 at 12:26 AM, Dutchrudder said:

    Manchin gets a lot of shit for his obvious manipulation, but if he ever retires, there is a 99% chance that West Virginia seat turns Red forever. 

    It's already red. 

    Manchin is  not liberal at all. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  4. 4 hours ago, Anastasis said:


    Sounds about right. 



    I generally oppose  short-sighted, hegemonic-based, interventionist American foreign policy. Have for a long time in these exchanges. Proxy wars are fun and all, but we've seen how this shit plays out time and time again. Blowback after blowback. Some of y'all like to reference the "rules-based international order", but that's all horseshit. It is the "hegemon makes the rules" based order. Doesn't matter if it is Russia, Israel, SA, China, the Solomon Islands or proxy wars in Syria and Ukraine. Feed the "defense" industry, gag down the media propaganda we are spoon fed, and throw out the platitudes about freedom, self-determination, and democracy while actually only rarely standing behind them.  It's not like these all aren't plays that we have been running out of the same playbook since the mid 20th century. But maybe this time it's all different! 

    And yet you're against a woman's right to choose. 


    Fucking hypocrite 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  5. I vote better for more grammar. And class struggle. And polls.

    But seriously,  the government is night and paid for.  If there was ever a time for the powerless to revolt,  it was years ago. 

    Buncha pussies in this country

  6. Just got home.  Found a couple polyps,  sending it for biopsy. Couple other small problems found in upper and lower tract.

    Fucking nurses are all assholes now for some reason,  guess they hate their lives, and that makes it even,  I guess. 

    Here's to not having cancer

  7. Have mine in the morning,  and I'm basically afraid to go to sleep since water keeps pouring out of my ass...

    I threw up at least 12 oz of the damn  prep shit...

    Whatever.  Spit roasted in the morning

    • Like 1
  8. 11 minutes ago, gmr548 said:

    The reason is to subjugate women, specifically. They’re going after abortion, IUD, IVF, Plan B… AKA things that don’t involve men at all. It’s about ensuring women are second class citizens.

    Or,  like had been already stated in the decision,  they want baby mills

    • Rage+1 1
  9. 11 hours ago, Ag with kids said:

    So...you think there can't be any restrictions on assembly?

    Or speech?

    Or guns?

    Because some restrictions are legal.  California has tons of them on guns.  Ok...I wouldn't live there, but let them do them.  Speech is the same.  As is assembly.

    No one is saying there can't be restrictions... how many people are? Shit,  even Casey is a fucked up law  but you don't see anyone arguing that Casey was a bridge too far... 

    11 hours ago, Ag with kids said:

    A non-fertilized egg?  Yep.

    A fertilized egg?  Nope.

    No one is saying that having a period is killing a child.  It's a non-fertilized egg.

    And yet they're attacking IVF, and "morning after" pills,  which aren't actually killing a fetus. Why is that?  The reasoning is that they don't want sex unless it's for having a child,  and to punish those that have sex for pleasure and don't want a child

    • Hook 'Em 5
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  10. 11 hours ago, Ag with kids said:

    But, it's not a complete and total ban.  It's like what we have now with guns - Texas says hell yes and California says no unless you jump through these 76 hoops that make it really difficult (those "reasonable restrictions")

    If this comes to fruition, it's Texas says no after a heartbeat and California says yes until just before they exit the birth canal. BTW, I disagree it falls under a right to "privacy" though.  If I wanted to kill my 2 day old child and just bury it in my back yard because I didn't want it, I don't think that would fall under any "privacy" rights.  Why should 2 days before it's born be different?  or replace 2 days with 8 months...

    As to the other legislation that's being drawn up, that's no different than Representatives from various states proposing anti gun laws...ok.  Just because they propose them doesn't mean they can pass OR be constitutional.

    And again...I'm abortion agnostic.  But, I REALLY hate when people try to rationalize away the fact that they're terminating a human life just to mitigate the guilt they'd feel for doing that.  Accept it.  OWN it.


    Hell, even RBG thought the reasoning behind RvW was a little suspect.

    Firstly,  you have the problem with stare decisis and what's considered "settled law." 

    Next,  you have the problem with all cases considered as precedent as being open to be overturned because one ideology thought the precedent was decided incorrectly.  

    So what were actually looking at is,  and this is not hyperbole,  but we're looking at a new set of rulings- not the first wave,  by any means - of cases decided under the commerce clause all being overturned. Say,  heart of atlanta.

    Not to mention all cases decided with a right to privacy being able to be attacked because now, let's just say,  due process only has to do with being charged with a crime.  This would open up all cases under any sort of extended due process since roe was decided using that logic.

    Then you have all other amendments to the constitution becoming targeted since,  you know,  they didn't exist in the originalist interpretation of the framers' ideas and they have gone too far...

    All of the decisions of the court are deeply suspect,  especially when you consider that stare decisis is now just a formality.  The Supreme Court has literally just opened itself up to not having any real authority because,  since it is more highly politicized more than ever before,  marbury is now open for debate as the framework of the founders never codified that bullshit.

    The court is a horribly,  stupid, and disingenuous thing.  It has been for decades,  ever since the deeply, most fucked up politicization of legal interpretation has been a feature,  not a bug. So now,  politics is the whole shebang,  and every interpretation from hence forth is just political,  without any clear  or actual reasoning. 

    The funniest part about it is the right has long been bitching about "activist" judges,  but has,  for decades,  been breeding the project of creating a court so activist that there is no actual law,  just what they want. Every accusation and all...

    If the court fucks with loving, I can promise you,  if they try to inull my kids' 'rights' to marry interracially, especially since they're of mixed race,  I promise you,  there will be a sudden need to replace the entire majority within a week.

    The court is, and for a long time has been, a sham.  Hell, if you support the court in this iteration,  especially lauding originalism and textualism, then you've already decided that this court is a sham. See Marbury v Madison.  The rogue activist judges in that case granted them any actual power,  which is not enumerated. 

    So quit being a political cheerleader for the right wing court and realize the bullshit you're fellating in order to be okay with this decision. 

    The right has opened up pandora's box by overly politicizing the court.  If the dems had any balls,  they'd show you why.  

    I fucking hate this country so fucking much.  Fucking hate it. 

    • Hook 'Em 4
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  11. Yeah,  they'll come for loving... and uncle Thomas will write the opinion to provide some cover.  Then he'll finally be free of that stupid bitch. 

    But if they do,  the court will be 3-0 for a little while

  12. On 4/28/2022 at 2:10 PM, fattyflattie said:

    Please provide a name for people who would like all of their I’ll advised investments to be paid for by someone else.  Another way to put it, someone who takes and benefits, but is not interested in fulfilling their agreed upon part. Someone who would rather spread their financial burden amongst their fellow citizens, the vast majority who didn’t benefit from the same education, instead of sacrificing a bit and handling it themselves. 


    • Hook 'Em 5
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    • Haha 1
  13. 20 hours ago, 'stache said:

    And they'll be talking about lawsuits to undo everything done under Biden. They are a bunch of losers who love doubling down on their loserdom.

    And they've gerrymandered the shit out of every possible district they could've so that they could seize the courts, at every level, in order to make this possible... since, you know,  Republicans only oppose activist judges that don't share their ideals

    20 hours ago, Pato del Muerto said:

    They are gaming out this role playing that it’s not about who won, it’s really about the process isn’t reliable and the right and correct thing to do is fix (rig) the system so that it is free from fraud (only Rs win).  

    It's already in

  14. 9 minutes ago, Aqua Buddha said:

    FB/Instagram knowingly promoted eating disorders in teens and Republicans were unmoved.  Tucker Carlson getting kicked off Twitter makes them flip their shit.  Simply amazing.  They're so desperate to be victims.

    They keep fucking around and they will

  15. 8 minutes ago, Irwin F Fletcher said:

    The Gap needs to send them a cease and desist letter, "stop posing in our 1980's classic rugby wear with rifles".....it's not on brand.9437abc7f917c05c16dd5d8784c774ef.jpg

    Sent from my Pixel 6 Pro using Tapatalk

    And why didn't they get his daughter one?  Is she about to be kicked out of the family fur touching someone else's dick?

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