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Posts posted by closetohumping

  1. 16 minutes ago, Skipper said:

    I haven't seen anything saying that he is, but if he happens to be on the radar for FAU or Memphis he'll hold out for those.  Or if he thinks a coach that will take those jobs will create an opening he'll wait.   Waiting out HC jobs before declaring one way or the other is really the only thing that makes any sense.

    I doubt he’s established enough to land one of those 

  2. 20 minutes ago, HtownHorn said:

    Now that would be interesting. Odom and Ash as CoDC's like Ash did it at OSU with Fickell, and Walters is the other DB coach. Then you would look to bring in another DL coach with Giles.

    Odom, Ash, Giles, Okam/Haley, Walters would be a salty defensive staff.

    You got one dl coach per lineman

  3. 33 minutes ago, Js1 said:

    I think it's more "lost a coordinator hire to another school for the same job," which is way different than losing a coordinator to another school for a HC job. 

    I don't remember the last time anyone made a lateral move like that.

  4. 52 minutes ago, Hiphopopotamos said:

    Rumor du jour is that Ryan Walters (current DC at Missouri) would come as DB coach.  Also the possibility of bring Brick Haley back as a coach.

    Been reading that brick can’t come back?   Something has changed?

  5. 6 minutes ago, CurlyDumps said:

    So how does a HCIW offer go down when the current head coach has no job security and is hated by the fanbase? 

    “Hey don’t tell Clay we told you this, but he’s a dead man walking and you’re on deck baby!”

    Your best bet is to score a bunch of points and hope your defense allows more

  6. 40 minutes ago, alphahorn said:

    I'm getting the feeling we're going to be very underwhelmed by the hires

    Again for 70% of this crowd, any hire will be the wrong hire.   The only thing that will work is canning Herman.  We’re at that point.  

    • Like 2
  7. 7 minutes ago, Pato del Muerto said:

    And what does Boise and then Seattle have that austin doesn’t as far as this goes?

    Maybe it’s a doctor they’re comfortable with?   Or he just loves the pnw. 

  8. 1 minute ago, ClubWhatever said:

    Every case will have a non-football reason albeit a less extreme one.  The Scalley dude said no thanks because he believes in magic underwear or whatever and likes Utah.  Utah is clearly not a better job than Texas.  Jim Mora told Steve Patterson to fuck off while at UCLA. His family couldn’t do hot. 

    Scalley is the hciw, played at Utah and is a devout Mormon.   

    mora, like any other non minority candidate, was fodder.   Never seriously considered 



    I’m not familiar enough with Arkansas and Odom for me to judge but as big a shit show as we are, it’s a top five job at all levels.  

  9. 4 minutes ago, ClubWhatever said:

    the job people take is not always the “best” one offered.  Is that hard to understand?  Chris Peterson could have had any opening in college football including Texas over a period of about 7 years. But he chose....Washington.  

    He has a special needs child.   Another example?

  10. 2 minutes ago, BurntOrangeBlooded15 said:

    It’s gonna be Lashlee and Ash. We’re gonna look better for the simple fact that Lashlee can call an offense with some fluidity and Ash will run a 4 down and teach fundamentals.  We’ll win 9-10 games with a CCG appearance and it’ll be Hermy another year.  Then we’ll do this all over in 21 and Herm will be gone.   

    If we win ten, why would herm be gone?

    • Like 1
  11. 16 minutes ago, 2300 Nueces said:

    Does Lashlee get those results without SB?  Herrall was dealt a hand of crap and turned it into prime rib.  I prefer Herrall with Greg Lewis as WR coach.

    And yet SB was pretty unremarkable under beck?

  12. 25 minutes ago, RGBIII said:

    Super K says Odom may be a bigger possibility than he originally thought and we are in touch with his DC Walters to coach secondary. Also says expect to know yes or no on Harrell by Wednesday 

    Basically saying what nahlin said

  13. 2 minutes ago, Walden Ponderer said:

    Actually, I've been of the opinion that even this season's craptacular staff (minus Mehringer, because then the returning experience would disappear) would win at least 9 games next year simply by out-talenting/experiencing people. And 9 games isn't going to get anybody fired, even at the by-Gawd University of Texas. So Herman is not a dead man walking, no matter what should be the case, and certainly no matter what the message board mensches think should be the case.

    It's one of the reasons I suspect Harrell has been leaning 'Texas' in his deliberations:  Helton has been on the hot seat two years now; Herman's is just warming up.

    Agree except Nebraska fires solich after a nine win season

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  14. 6 minutes ago, The Earl of Texas said:

    Will you pussies quit crying before anything actually happens, please

    They’re gonna cry if we don’t get him.  They’re gonna cry if we do.  Basically they’re gonna cry

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