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Posts posted by Chrispy

  1. 28 minutes ago, zork said:

    Everyone's favorite cartoonist invited to the White House:



    Godspeed Zork, keeping these loons in their playpen has been bestowed upon you. 


    • Fuck You 10
  2. 15 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

    And...here’s the part where someone who is ALL ABOUT THE RULE OF LAW will surely agree with me....how do you make that determination as to a particular individual?


    Hmmm...it seems the answer to that question is “by due process of law.” Yes, I checked, that is indeed the answer.


    And what do we do to people who are awaiting due process of law? Say, someone named “Chrispy,” who is accused of a crime? Do we subject Chrispy to human rights abuses? No matter how much I would personally enjoy that, because I know what an absolute shitbag you are, no, we do not.


    We ARE a nation of laws. The problem is, you and the orange goblin you fellate aren’t interested in following them.


    Every time you crow about “don’t break the law,” you indict yourself even further. You have zero interest in the law.

    Thankfully Chrispy is a legal citizen with paperwork and doesn’t commit crimes, so I won’t need to worry about it. 

    These migrants will get their due process, but the line is a bit backed up at the moment. 

    • Fuck You 5
  3. 11 minutes ago, hpslugga said:

    The RAF was started in 1961, stopped being relevant after 1970, and formally disbanded in 1996. Even if I were to concede your implied points 1) that they were some sort of villain, which I never will because those two governments were the closest parallel to Nazi Germany in the western world in the post WWII era, and 2) that they had any meaningful impact on the country’s economy, it’s a little pathetic for you to be crying foul over a marginal organization that disbanded over a quarter of a century ago. That’s like blaming the EPA for the US economic disaster of 2008. Your response to these questions has been so spectacularly partisan that it strains credulity. You should have a little shame, especially given how absolutely wrong you’ve been on absolutely every point.

    So it wasn’t the fact that the US turned it into a de facto military base in the 1980’s and then 29 years later overthrew a legitimately elected leader for bullshit reasons, which immediately was followed by an economic downturn in an already suffering country? Cool. Didn’t know that.

    The word you’re looking for is “ceded,” and that so misses the point it’s not even worth reviewing. But it wouldn’t be worth reviewing anyways because you’re completely incapable of being fucking honest about anything meaningful. You prefer to live in a world of Make Believe and Pretend, and you bitch that it’s we who believe in fairy tales. That’s a textbook example of what Aronra calls the Pot Calling the Silverware Black.

    The point was that the region never recovered from these civil wars, I wasn’t assigning blame to the lefty militias that you admire so much. 

    Ah yes, blame the US, the tried and true tactic of the left. I knew this was the point of you posts, but couldn’t wait for you to finally say it. 

    I fixed that an hour ago, which means it took you an hour to write that drivel? Yikes. 

    • Fuck You 3
  4. 15 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

    No you wouldn’t have, you sack of shit.


    Most importantly, because they had even LESS legal right to claim asylum at the time - modern asylum law didn’t exist then.


    I thought you were about following the law? So which is it? Follow the law, and send the Jews packing, or break the law, and let them in illegally?


    You’ve already said that following the law is super essential. Now you’re saying you’d have broken it. Be consistent.

    I’ll grant some leeway to actual refugees, but economic migrants? Naw. 

    • Fuck You 3
  5. 17 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

    Really? You spend much time in A Honduran neighborhood lately? In terms of risk of life and limb....it’s pretty fucking stout.

    Would you let the St Louis in or not? Answer you fucking gutless coward.

    I don’t doubt it, most of the world is a very unforgiving place. It’s not Nazi Germany circa 1939, however. 

    Of course I would have, they were refugees. 

    • Fuck You 1
  6. 12 minutes ago, hpslugga said:

    The RAF never seized power in Guatemala, they were defeated by the right wing military dictatorship that we had established via the CIA coup of 1954, the FMLN has similarly never been in a position of power, and that’s only 2 of the 4 countries I asked about. 

    Anything to say about Mexico or Honduras?

    Like I stated, civil wars will tear countries and regions apart. It seems Honduras suffered from stagnating agricultural and de-industrialization. The fear caused by the other civil wars in the region also played a role. 

    Mexico has ceded control to the cartel, so that one’s pretty simple. 

    • Fuck You 1
  7. 1 minute ago, JimmyJames said:

    Sorry Chrispy troll. I ran out of negs today to give you. You were really on a roll yesterday though. Blaming the dad for his daughter drowning? That’s pretty low, even for fake you.

    I realize you’re playing a bit and all but any human being with any type of conscious should feel like crap posting that nonsense, even if you’re just being paid to troll. 

    Maybe zork and your other socks can like it when you post a recipe for a casserole and make up for the negs. 

    No worries my man. 

    • Fuck You 1
  8. 5 minutes ago, hpslugga said:

    What communist revolutions took place in Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, etc?

    The Rebel Armed forces in Guatemala. I’m unsure if the FMLN forces were socialist or communist, but certainly left-wing militias. 

    • Fuck You 2
  9. 2 minutes ago, Hank Scorpio said:

    Exactly. Guys like me and my guy Crispy (white American men) are the real victims, not these little brown criminals who abuse our amazing generosity. I mean just look at these people: 


    They are the obviously the abusers in this scenario and the victims are me and my main bro Crispy, a white guy in a polo shirt and khakis who lives in Cypress and works at the Verizon store. Crispy and me don't pay barely anything in taxes so that money can be funneled into the pockets of people like this, who are only trying to get into this country to destroy Crispy and his family (ex-wife and 2 kids that he gets to see on alternating federal holiday weekends). When I see pictures of these people I am just terrified because I know they are here to get me: 


    Thank Jesus Crispy and I have a big strong man in the White House who will stop these animals from abusing us any more. 

    If I were Trump, I would build a series of Trump hotels along the border. It would be great marketing/business opportunity and these migrants would get to live a little before being deported. 

    • Fuck You 4
  10. They’re turning our good nature against us and abusing the asylum process. They know they’ll be turned down because of their bullshit claim, but they’ll pop out a couple kids and voila, more dreamers for the libs to protect. I can’t believe you guys fall for this nonsense. 

    • Fuck You 10
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