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tx ind

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Posts posted by tx ind

  1. 5 minutes ago, Tex Pete said:

    Texags runs Texas A&M. That's how it's been since RC.

    They should have run a fucking poll (they are the champions of internet polls) on Texags and saved themselves a bunch of time.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  2. 8 minutes ago, Reynolds Woodcock said:

    I mean, they really should go 8-4 at worst next year. Their schedule is super favorable. No Alabama, Georgia or Ole Miss, and their four toughest games (ND, LSU, Texas and Missouri) are all at home. ND and LSU are relatively down, and although we should be better than A&M on paper, it's worth acknowledging that we have to replace a fuck ton of talent on both sides of the ball next year. If they can't get to 8 wins next year, it's a really bad sign for them. 

    Is App State on the OOC slate?

  3. 37 minutes ago, atomheartbevo said:

    I've not seen any family or friends excited about this at all either online, or a few aggy that I was around this morning when dropping kids off at school (and 2 out of the 3 didn't even realize they had a new coach), and the fact that they snuck him in during the middle of the night speaks volumes about how they feel about this.  They are embarrassed.

    There was nothing stopping them from bringing him in after 9am, or even better late in the afternoon when they would have had more than enough time to get something together (band, football players, BMDs, news crews, etc.).

    They are fucking embarrassed by this hire.

    This past weekend and coaching hire are ~#350 on the list of things that school needs to be embarrassed about.  

    • Hook 'Em 2
  4. 1 minute ago, HtownHorn said:

    Apparently, it was Fisch, then Bjork went behind everyone else's back to contact his friend Stoops. He did the deal without any signoff from the BOR or president. Don't be surprised if Bjork is gone before a new coach is hired. 

    This is going to be the shitshow we all knew and hoped it would be.

    Any coach worth a shit wouldn’t take a job without knowing who the AD is.  

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