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Posts posted by Blutarski

  1. 16 hours ago, Surly Bevo said:

    It came to the attention of the hardline that for whatever reason many listeners couldn't tell that it was "Everybody Loves Community Quick Hits" . (sort of like people thinking Taylor Swift is saying "Got a long list of Starbucks Lovers instead of "Got a long list of ex-Lovers" in Blank Space) . One of the things people thought was being said was "Everybody Loves Doing the Greggo" so the Hardline owned it and started inserting that over the song every now and then.

    I could be wrong, but I thought it was Norm that said "doing the greggo" in one of his grandpa moments, and they used it as a bit from that point on

  2. Entire segment wasted late in the show on "Baker" (no last names), with Corby trying convince Rhynes he is the greatest Sooner of all time. Rhyner disagreed, but everyone he brought up was shot down, including Adrian Peterson. His homework is to come in tomorrow with a list of Sooners that were better. Corby did pander to the audience a little with the customary "Johnny was Great",  "Vince was great". etc. etc. I guess the funniest part was he did acknowledge Mayfield is a douche, "but he's our douche", and then Danny chimes in "sure, you say that in the 6pm hour when no one is listening anymore..."

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