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Posts posted by shadetree

  1. 9 hours ago, Randolph Duke said:

    Red Duke was not the first surgeon to treat JFK after the shooting. The chief of surgery was there. Duke was assisting him. Even in 1963, when the President of the US is in town and just three miles from the hospital, it wasn’t protocol to send all The experienced medical professionals home and let the interns run the show. 


    8 hours ago, LW Goatman said:

    Your catalog of mundane facts about obscure aggy continues to impress. 

    It's amazing.  Keep up the good work, Duke.  Given how fucked up aggy is, I imagine Duke employs of team of researches that spend every waking hour keeping track of aggy bullshit to set the record straight.  

  2. Mack went out of his way to spite the program on his way out. It is going to take some time for some of us to forgive him for that.

    Agreed. For all he did to resurrect the program, he destroyed his legacy in my eyes for how he acted on the way out.
    • Like 2
  3. White Water had the cliff slides in the deep end. Just a little ledge you’d slide down. Also had a kickass pirate ship you could climb on with rope ladders and water cannons. Used to try to shoot people off ladders with those. Had a kickass birthday there complete with an Optimus Prime cake. 
    Was it White Water or Wet n Wild that had the White Lightning slides that were really fast?

    Pretty sure it was White Water.
  4. Quote

    Officers already use deadly force only when necessary and are taught to try to defuse dangerous situations first when possible, said Ed Obayashi, a Plumas County sheriff's deputy and special prosecutor who trains officers and testifies in court on police use of force.

    So this change shouldn't be an issue for cops, right?  

    I think old Ed Obayashi is a little out of touch with current police (narrator- Ed is lying).  They shoot first and often at anyone any everyone they want.  On the rare instance there is video of them committing murder (or attempted murder given their accuracy), they claim they were in fear of their life and walk away with no consequences.  

    This legistlation is a step in the right direction.  Next, hold police accountable for perjury- fire them and make it so they can never be a police officer again.  Cop commits a crime on duty- it is elevated one degree from whatever crime they commit (2nd degree felony becomes first degree felony).  Real police oversight by citizens is needed to review complaints against cops.  Cop is aware another cop broke the law or covered something up, that cop is fired as well.  Cop is found to have violated someone's civil rights, that police officer and his associated pension fund have to pay it, not the city/state that employs the cop.  There are lots of other reforms, but these would be a good start.

    I don't know how you get away from cops having the mentatilty that all non-cops are the bad guys.  

  5. 4 hours ago, Chewbacca said:

    Wow, that's a great deal.  I would have gone for the Armada as well given that price difference.  We were looking right when the Armadas first hit dealer lots and they weren't discounting anywhere near that much, so I stuck with the Infiniti.  Sticker on the truck we bought was right around $71k vs. $63k on the Nissan and discounts were comparable on each.

    Yeah, Nissan had some rebates going on that took about $6k off the price.  Had to use their financing for 60 days, and will then just pay off the note.  If the price differnence was $6-8k, I would have gone with the Infiniti as well.  

  6. How did you spec out the Armada? Price difference is more like 7-8k on comparably equipped vehicles.

    Armada Platinum, captain’s chairs, interior lighting package and some dealer add ons like tint, floor mats, roof rails and one or two other things. Got the price down to $47.5k. MSRP was around $62-62k. Couldn’t get QX80 much below 70k, with similar specs. MSRP on that one was about $80k.
  7. Just went through this with my wife’s vehicle. She had a BMW X5. It had 3rd row seats, but they were tiny jump seats. Looked at Armada, Yukon, Tahoe, Escalade, Explorer and QX80. Drivewise, the Armada and QX80 seemed to handle the best. Wife liked the interior of the Armada and exterior of QX80. The differences between the two were very minor. She decided that since she is inside the car more often than outside looking at it, she chose the Armada. Final price was $22k less than the QX80.

    Third row seats in it are fine. I’m not the typical Surly 6’6”, just 6’ and there is plenty of room. Probably wouldn’t want to make a cross county trip in the third row, but it wouldn’t be a problem for 3-4 hours.

    • Like 1
  8. I think CDC is the best hire that the university has made in 20 years(or since Mack). But that's not really saying too much. 

    True. And kinda sad. Looking forward to him moving the entire AD in the right direction. Doing well so far.
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