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stone oak

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Posts posted by stone oak

  1. 3 minutes ago, Jive Turkey said:

    If they counted all penalties and didn’t take mulligans and putted out on every hole, there’s no way in hell they are a 6 and 8 handicap. I know they say that, but that’s horseshit. Not with those swings. 

    Yup and it also depends on tees they play from and course ratings which I’m sure inflate their “handicaps” quite a bit.

  2. 2 hours ago, phdhorn said:

    Bit of a change in the weather.

    1) The trough that's forming from the Omega-squeezed low is forming, but slowly.  It will still make its way to somewhere over us, but new readings indicate that today and tomorrow (Memorial Day) are less likely to be all wet, and more p.m. stormy, typical of late spring/early summer.  New model runs have gone from 7"+ to maybe 4"-5" max anywhere.  But again, what day is it?  They could easily ramp up again, especially for the latter part of the forecast week, where things are less certain due to that event being farther out and less exact. 

    I'd say today will be pretty dry until diurnal heating gets going, and lift is kicked up.  Any time mid-afternoon or later.  So for the most part I think today will be okay to be outside (if you like ungodly warm, humid weather).  Cooking etc. I think is a safe bet for most of the early afternoon.  But storms should get going later on, so that should be the plan today.

    Tomorrow again should be like today - dry more or less until afternoon.  Then storms arrive somewhere after heating gets going, all the way into late night.

    2) The low is still forecast to meander and park over us, but models have trended down on the rain, and, maybe most significantly, the bigger chances for flooding have moved to the later part of the week (Thurs-Fri), not the next 2-3 days.  Doesn't mean things could go nuts today or Monday, just less likely beyond afternoon/evening TS's.

    It's going to be cloudy, humid, and a little cooler once the cloud cover gets to be pretty nonstop between now and Friday.

    The CYA in all of this is how many times around Memorial Day have we seen "something explode out of nothing" and get tons of rain?  It could happen, so never, ever at this time of year here brush it off.

    But I think it'll go according to above - dry daytimes, storms coming in later afternoons.  Probably thru Tuesday, then as is typical, if the low parks and stays strong, more periods of tropical type training or at least long-lasting rain, which can lead to local flooding.  You can probably do outside stuff but keep the radar handy.  I never, ever want to stick hard to a prediction in Centex at the end of May.  I'll put this about 70% of how it'll play out between now and Tues.  Beyond that I'll probably have an update.

    Translation: we aren’t getting shit but typical afternoon t storms and it’s gonna be hot and humid as f otherwise. 

    No Way What GIF

    Seems like anytime these precip models go apocalyptic for rain in Central TX with these systems, it doesn’t really pan out. Again, I pity the weathermen around here.

    I do remember laughing at the Harvey precip models in 2017 which were spot on...scary shit.

  3. 10 hours ago, Wanker Bob said:

    In just 2 months over 30 percent of the number of Texas who died in the entirety of WW1 have died of covid19. Within a year it's sure to be far more. 

    Can we rename it Covid Memorial Stadium?

    As the actions/inaction of both the US and Texas during this time has been completely shameful and will lead to far more death than any foreign war America has fought (and possibly the civil war) the time for giving thanks is over and the time for feeling shame, anger, and embarrassment is here.


    imacelebrityau GIF by I'm A Celebrity... Get Me Out Of Here! Australia

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  4. 4 hours ago, Chet Steadman said:



    I mean let’s not act like this was some big rain maker or event. Sure it was lots of lightning and thunder and some isolated heavy rain. Mostly It was a line of storms that moved through the area over about 2-3 hours. We’ll take what we can get, but the original precipitation forecast of widespread 4-6” didn’t exactly pan out.

    Most of south Texas and the Hill Country still need lots more rain before the death grip of the summer high hits. But I’m a pessimist so...

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