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Burnt Orange in OC

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Posts posted by Burnt Orange in OC

  1. 6 hours ago, JimmyJames said:

    When I first heard the story that the judge acknowledged Veterans Day and had the courtroom applaud the next witness, a defense expert, for being a veteran I had no problem with it because I simply assumed that this was done outside the presence of the jury.

    Then someone informed me the jury was actually present. So the judge had the jury applauding a witness right before he testified. That is unheard of and unprecedented.

    If that’s true then the judge is either actively trying to get one side to win or at best, is a complete moron. Since he’s 75 I think he would know by now how to conduct a trial. When the jury is in the box it is all business. Everyone who has ever tried a case knows that. It’s why he sent the jury into the jury room before he chewed out the prosecution.

    Before today I thought the judge made some wrong rulings but was generally ok, but after the stunt he pulled today I think he’s a total hack unfit for his job. I’ve noticed former lawyer and law clerk Johnny sack has yet to comment on that.

    Or, you know, jurors in America just might be smart enough to appreciate someone's service to our country -- on Veterans Day of all times -- without letting it impact their perception of two weeks of testimony. 

    I would certainly hate to have your myopic world view.

  2. 9 hours ago, phdhorn said:

    No big deal. 2/3 of LeBron's Tweezer followers have no idea of who Kyle Rittenhouse is, never mind what year it is or their own name.

    Unfortunately, they still have access to rocks, bottles, bricks and the makings for Molotov cocktails, though, and -- to borrow a term -- this is a "dog whistle" call to arms for when the verdict goes the wrong way.

  3. 11 hours ago, JimmyJames said:

    You’re right. Defending an attack on the capitol by pointing out other terrorists have done it to. Very persuasive defense y’all got going there. 

    You began this bullshit by saying Ashli Babbit deserved to die and you wanted to see more protesters killed that day. 


    More people who attacked the capitol should have been shot. 

    Now you're crying like Kyle Rittenhouse on the stand because people called you out on 1) the factual inaccuracy of what you posted and 2) the fact that you have defended the people involved in similar attacks on government buildings, specifically the White House and the federal courthouse in Portland, Oregon. 

    Crawl back into the Cloakroom where your fellow leftists can fellate your inaccurate, partisan garbage. We're trying to discuss the Kenosha shootings here and -- given the way this trial has unfolded in direct contrast to the media portrayal -- whether or not a complete travesty of justice is going to be handed down here in the name of social justice.

  4. 11 hours ago, JimmyJames said:


    On January 6, 2021, on a day when representatives met to formalize the presidential election results, hundreds of rioters supporting President Donald Trump and seeking to overthrow President-Elect Joe Biden’s electoral victory pushed through police barricades and stormed the Capitol, some smashing windows to enter its halls. One woman was fatally struck by police gunfire inside the Capitol during the mayhem. At least 138 officers—73 from the Capitol Police and 65 from the Metropolitan Police Department in Washington—were injured, the departments said. 


    So an average day for the left/Antifa/BLM types when they decide to have a "peaceful protest."



    "All I heard was comments about how peaceful the protesters were," he said on June 7. "I didn't hear about the fact that there were 150 law enforcement officers injured, and many taken to the hospital with concussions. So, it wasn't a peaceful protest. We had to get control over Lafayette Park, and we had to do it as soon as we were able to do that."


    • Fuck You 2
  5. 12 hours ago, JimmyJames said:

    Nope. More people who attacked the capitol should have been shot.  I was personally disgusted by the attack on our nations Capitol though. Something which had not happened since the British did it at the beginning of our nation.

    Attacks on used car dealership dumpsters don’t really bother me all that much.

    At least be factually accurate as you try to spread your leftist bullshit.

    1983 bombing of the U.S. Capitol.
    1971 bombing of the U.S. Capitol.
    1954 shooting on the floor of the House of the U.S. Capitol.
    1915 bombing of the U.S. Capitol.


    • Fuck You 2
  6. 13 hours ago, Bravo said:

    uh oh, American flag tie. Clearly dog whistle.

    CNN took note.


    Schroeder, the longest-serving active judge in Wisconsin's trial courts, appeared to be referring to the supply chain backlogs caused by congestion problems in California ports. But his comments were offensive and perceived as anti-Asian by some and as placing blame on Asian people for a large-scale event.


  7. On 11/10/2021 at 7:02 PM, sheeeit said:

    I certainly agree that him actually going to the riots with a gun was a stupid thing to do and certainly makes his comments look worse in hindsight.  He should not be heralded for his actions.

    He didn't go "to the riots." 

    He went during the day to the city where his father and grandmother live to help clean up the mess left by rioters. While cleaning up a high school, he met someone seeking help protecting their car dealership. With the naivete of a wide-eyed 17-year-old, he thought he could use a weapon to protect property and use his lifeguard training/first aid kit to help people. The riots ended up coming to him and he ended up being in way over his head. Sadly, that meant two people died. 

    He's not seeking to be heralded for his actions.

    But he also shouldn't be in prison -- and certainly not for the rest of his life -- because the situation escalated out of his control and by multiple witness accounts he was lucky to get out alive.



    • Hook 'Em 1
  8. Travis Scott six months from now... 

    Pay to the order of... Mrs. Wilbur Starks... seven hundred thousand dollars AND NINE CENTS!...
    [Movers remove a table from house] 
    Pay to the order of... Iron Balls McGinty... seven hundred thousand dollars AND NINE CENTS!...
    [Movers remove a stuffed cheetah from house] 

    Pay to the order of... the parents of Shaneequa Johnson... seven hundred thousand dollars AND NINE CENTS!...
    [Movers remove a Picasso from house] 

    • Like 2
  9. 17 hours ago, StruggleBus said:

    Imagine wanting to go to a a Travis Scott concert

    Imagine taking your 10-year-old to a Travis Scott concert. 


    But, I'm sure despite the fact that Mom and/or Dad should be jailed for child negligence, they will be the recipients of a seven-figure check for their egregious display of parental irresponsibility.

  10. 1 hour ago, PHLaggie said:

    What is better than to be a third rate Div 1 football corch?

    Get hired for at least a million and up per year...and if you get lucky and get contracts from schools like A&M and Arizona, then you even can really suck at your job, get fired, and still get owed multi-million dollars just to walk away. 

    A&M gave him $10 million and Arizona will now give him $7.5 million to not work for them. Fuckin amazing!

    How many bottles of top shelf booze can Stumblin buy with that much money? He doesn't have to work another day, unless of course he can sucker yet another school into giving him a big money contract in which he can flunk!

    Just pisses me off that A&M kept him so many years. Oh well.  Water under the bridge and all...

    And now he can go join some SEC staff as an analyst for $100,000 to look at game tape 20 hours a week over a 14-week season. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  11. Why am I somewhat confident that there are actually a large number of Aggies out there who would be pissed off to know that our fired coach (John Mackovic) will always have a better record (10-18) in two-plus seasons at Arizona than their fired coach (9-19)? 

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