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Posts posted by Askew

  1. 16 minutes ago, C-Man said:

    He's cheated on every woman he's ever had a relationship with, right? Why pay this one of hundreds to keep quiet? Because he was running for POTUS. And then he didn't want to use his money. This + That = Big Fucking Problem


    Not a chance she's on any of his accounts -- probably for this very reason.

    Oh yeah im not arguing about the felony charge. I just hate the propaganda line that is being circulated in Trumpworld of 'NDAs are totally legal! His actions were fine and done all the time and this is a witch hunt!' as a way of dismissing the entire care -- the underlying behavior is definitely not legal in NY. It is a misdemeanor.

  2. 5 minutes ago, atomheartbevo said:

    All of this.  One simple personal check and it’s done.

    Fairly certain that Melania does not have access to his accounts, and has her own account he puts money into.

    Fair enough and likely true. I am just stating my general assumption that a spouse usually has less access to business records than personal records. 

  3. 10 minutes ago, immamac said:

    I don't think he did it for the writeoff. That's the point, he would have just paid himself to pay cohen in the situation you are explaining. 

    Let's say the motive is to save his marriage. Is it easier to hide an affair using your business as a slush fund, or your personal account that your wife probably has access to? 

    Even if there was no tax motive or election motive, it is still plausible a businessman would use his business to conceal a personal hush money payment. But, to use the business + lawyer method that was used here, you have to account the payment as a legal expense, even though there is no business purpose. This is a misdemeanor in NY.  

  4. 1 hour ago, immamac said:

    Yeah that's what makes this illegal. Not actually paying her to stfu and go away that's totally fine and what they are leaning on. They are conveniently omitting the fact that he did this with intent to influence the election. 

    His lawyer may not have understood the charges based on his interviews. It's not that complicated but it is not straightforward either which leaves tons of room for the spin that's happening. 

    This is slightly off-point. There is an intermediate step between 'legal' and 'felony' that can make this a misdemeanor. 

    If the same exact conduct had been proved (ie., Cohen paid Stormy, then Trump reimburses Cohen but accounts the payments as a business expense and not a personal expense), but the jury decided that Trump did so to save his marriage, that is a misdemeanor. 

    You are correct that the intent to further another crime (eg., influence the election or to commit tax fraud) makes this a felony, but what Trump world is getting wrong is that there is almost no world where Trump gets off without a misdemeanor charge. 



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  5. 11 minutes ago, closetojumping said:

    I didn't say anything about your first X post on this very page of this very thread. I guess you really, really wanted to make sure we all saw it.


    7 minutes ago, BurntOrange&White said:

    I didn't x-post this? This is the only thread I posted this on as it was relevant to the meta thread title. 

    Off topic, but this is an example of why Elon Musk is an idiot. 

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  6. 3 hours ago, Vertigo said:

    The note on Baker is interesting, but wake me up when they are saying this after pads come on. I doubt he is going to be moving people like Cam Williams in the run game. 

    My biggest concern with Simmons putting on weight that fast is losing flexibility and explosiveness. He will need to do an equal amount of work to get that back. 

    Sydir Mitchell not vying for starter snaps is not gruntling. 

    Lefau and Bledsoe news is very gruntling.

    Roberson being compared to Crawford is lol 

    The next 8 months is the time when guys like Sydir start to really reshape their body. Hoping he would be at that point 2 months after his freshman season is not the correct approach. Lets see how he looks in August, and then start to panic. 

  7. 37 minutes ago, closetojumping said:

    The simplest answer is being avoided with this kind of speculation. It's not that complex and I already posted about it. 

    No I get the whole 'Nahlin is an asshole' answer. 

    But there is still an unanswered question of 'why does Bobby keep putting out daily rambling videos when he doesnt have much to talk about?'. Which I would like to speculate upon instead of doing my real job. 

  8. 5 minutes ago, Post Oak said:

    He needs to shorten the videos.  1 hour is too long now that Gerry is gone. Even when he was on there was a lot of restating things they had already said. 

    35-40 minutes seems about right until they can bring someone else on.

    This is me speculating on the business model, but I imagine the schism occurred because IT discovered how much $$ was coming in from superchats and wanted a larger cut. Bobby said fuck off I love my superchats, bro. 

    So I agree with your point, but it runs contrary to the fundamental reason Bobby is leaving: Youtube revenue. He wants to ramble for 90 minutes at a time and collect superchats throughout. Cut down on time and you cut down on superchat $$. He isnt doing this to put out high quality content as part of the IT ecosystem. Which is a shame because they were kind of achieving that concept as well as you can in this business. 

    Any arms-length consultant would tell Bobby what you are saying (not enough content for the time block). But I imagine he wants to find out for himself what a youtube death spiral feels like. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  9. 7 minutes ago, ClubWhatever said:

    He's had Kevin Eltife and CDC as guests.  I'm pretty sure those beat writer hacks you named could not have pulled that.  

    This is absolutely true. 

    I should have been more precise: because of his connections, Bobby is able to pull some really good one-off content; but when Bobby is doing daily long-form podcasts without Gerry and/or IT he is mostly rambling or giving his opinion on other paysite reports. Bobby has already done this in his latest few videos, but has just stopped using the words "Inside Texas is reporting that ____", now he just says "reports are that ____". 

  10. 1 hour ago, Sejjr said:

    This definitely feels like Nahlin decided to blow it up because the On Texas Football channel was getting bigger and more popular than Inside Texas. It was a very stupid and petty move, if that is the case. Bobby Burton has decades in this industry and frankly is the only Texas sports mouthpiece that most people, even us cunts on Surly, respect. Bobby will be fine and OTF will continue to grow and improve (maybe mix in a little production value?) and IT will suffer. What a dipshit. 

    I think OTF will also suffer, until Bobby can find a recruiting guy equivalent to Gerry and a Texas beat writer equivalent to Wells + Cook. + Nahlin. OTF + IT was very much a symbiotic relationship, with OTF getting credibility from bringing on journalists with first-hand info. 

    At this point Bobby comes across as just another Youtuber giving his opinion on stories he read on paysites that morning. 

  11. Petition to rename this thread: "Overweight in a contract year". (For the sickos that remember day 1 of the Fall Camp Thread).


    On 8/3/2023 at 1:01 PM, closetojumping said:

    Go for it. The guy weighed in at 362. He’s overweight in a contract year. 


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  12. 3 hours ago, ClubWhatever said:

    He goes by that bullshit coaching mantra of letting other guys coach, that's his specialty, I don't need credit, blah blah blah.  He was like that at Washington when Peterson replaced him as playcaller too.  He basically said he was all for it, we're all in this together etc.  I don't think he's the alpha personality that's going to enforce anything on other coaches.  So ultimately this is Sarks fault.  He has to have the nads to make the coaches give him the scheme he wants. 

    You'll be happy when he gets poached by USC then

    • Hook 'Em 1
  13. 24 minutes ago, closetojumping said:

    Every week, the "experts" and media personalities talk themselves either into Texas losing outright, or for sure Texas not covering.

    I heard Andy Staples talk this morning on Full Ride and he excitedly talked about KSU beating Texas. Childers and Neuheisel had asked him about Bedlam and he basically said "sure, that will be a game, but OU owns that rivalry and will win it, but let's talk about the Big 12 game where I do think the underdog will win and that is KState." He didn't even wait for the hosts to prompt him. I expect Gameday to have 4 of the 5 pickers taking KSU. At least.

    There's a reason that, this late in the season, most of the advanced forecasts have Texas winning the game, usually by more than the Vegas spread. The Texas offense, even with Murphy, is not a good matchup for KSU. Texas is elite on special teams and KSU is just pretty good in that regard. The home field advantage matters. 

    It's like none of that matters because "huurrrrr, durrrrr, Texas isn't back huuuuurrrrr duuuuurrrrrr". Okay then.

    "Steve Sarklostagain" is a powerful predictive force. He hasnt done so he wont do it. This is science. The media and experts have taken notice. 

  14. 3 hours ago, Hookem2147 said:

    Per FCB:

    -Maalik Murphy did not practice Tuesday (injury). Returned Wednesday.

    -Sanders tweaked his ankle early in the week and Christian Jones did not finish a practice 

    -Burke had a knee scope last week and has an outside shot to play Saturday but should be full go by TCU

    -Ewers has an outside shot to be back next week but Iowa State might be more realistic 

    -Catalon is still at least a week away from even being cleared to practice 




    • Haha 4
  15. 5 hours ago, satyanash said:

    247Sports' old rankings are becoming frustratingly useless, but from what I can tell we landed just four of the top 25 in-state recruits in the 2019 class. Thus far we have zero for 2024, despite the fact that it's already July. We have four main targets in Simmons, Black, Ivy and Gipson but there's going to be a similar reliance on OOS guys.

    Regarding returning production, the impact sometimes goes beyond just starters. People forget that in 2019 we actually did improve a lot on offense, both in the passing and rushing attack, but it was all for naught because of what we lost on the defensive side of the ball, through depth chart attrition + injuries. On the ground we lost Tre Watson who was 37% of our rushing production, plus Andrew Beck who didn't put up much in terms of stats but was an excellent blocker and made our O-line look a lot better than it was. This year we're losing 87% of our rushing production, including a guy who led all P5 RBs in yards after contact and again, made our O-line look a lot better than it realistically was. I'll spare the statistical details, but Bijan + Rojo were more or less our entire offense over the final four-game stretch of the regular season. Ewers will have to take a big leap this year, without either of them to lean on, just for our offense to stay at the same level as 2022. To surpass it? An even bigger leap. It's a very tall ask. And that's not getting into the loss of defensive experience with guys like Coburn, Ojomo, DTD, and Overshown gone.

    It’s Fucking fantastic you cite the loss of DTD as a reason to be worried about the defense. Truly admirable straw grasping.

    Also, don’t make me go back and find one of your innumerable posts in summer 2022 incessantly bitching about our coaches rolling back the same shitty players from 2021, like… drum roll… Coburn, ojomo, and overshown. 

    • Hook 'Em 2
  16. 2 hours ago, ATXhorn17 said:

    Surprised that Catalon isn’t getting more nibbles… I guess Purdue and Texas are the only programs willing to take the risk?

    Or maybe Catalon is being selective from his end…

    perfect encapsulation of this thread. Drawing conclusions based on limited public info, when 90% of the action is under the table. 

    impossible to know one way or the other.

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