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Everything posted by PassiveAggressiveCoach

  1. I'd get the vax if not infected before especially if in a high risk group. Why risk it? Well, unless your teenage boy and I think the risk of the vax in that population is worse than odds of bad covid outcomes.
  2. I would not recommend it. I wouldve got the vax if it was available at the time. I'd of rather not had it or if i did get mild symptoms.
  3. I agree. Thats as retarded as a vaccine passport.
  4. I have had it. Lost smell and taste for 2 mos and was sick for a week last Nov. I do not get tested for antibodies regularly. I had it done a few mos ago during my check up when i asked my doctor. BTW, antibodies are justy one part of the immune response and probably not even the best indicator. T cells play a major roll. To your last point a breakthough infection can occur in the previously infected as it can with the vaccinated. Although a lower likelihood than just having the vax.
  5. the outcome data in the large Israeli study would indicate otherwise.
  6. because that argument also should accompany the vaccinated having to get the same regular tests unless boosters also become mandate for all.
  7. or maybe he sees how ridiculous some of this mandate policy is given the science? crazy thought, I know.
  8. It's been draconian and not subject to adjustment to changing facts on the ground. It's because it has turned 100% political in nature. That's the reason. Medical policy dictated by politics and not science. No room for nuance or change.
  9. not true because that is the business doing it and not being forced by the govt to do it although a lot of it is because of the upcoming mandate. I believe in the right of a private business owner being able to set his/her own rules of employment free from govt telling them they have to make their employees get vaccinated or tested weekly or large fines. The law of unintended consequences will go into effect here. When the supply chain gets even more fucked up from this mandate I have a good feeling this will either not be enforced or will not be mandatory. Maybe I will be wrong and Biden will stick to his guns and just say fuck it I'm driving this economy off the cliff.
  10. how is that? most of these businesses would not be risking all this unless the pressure from the govt and the upcoming mandate. Most businesses still aren't requiring it and will not until forced by the govt. They know the headache and shitstorm it is going to cause with chunks of their employees.
  11. I think employers should be able to do what they want more or less and if vaccine is mandated then that's fine. Now if a vaccine mandate is forced upon private business by the govt then I have an issue with that.
  12. I quoted the actual study. Did you miss that? I was asked for the data and I posted it. I am not claiming it is exactly what will happen with SARS COVID-2 but it is likely a good indicator. BTW did I say never cite a small study? I just would be less likely to do it when it is against a massively larger study.
  13. Antibodies aren't necessarily a good marker for long lasting immunity.
  14. LOL. OK. I expect crickets as you thought I was making this up. So arrogant. Article: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8529429/Could-immunity-17-YEARS-Singaporean-researchers-SARS-patients-crucial-T-cells.html Study: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-020-2550-z_reference.pdf Investigations showed all patients 'still possess long-lasting memory T cells' reactive to the virus. The findings 'support the notion that Covid-19 patients will develop long-term T cell immunity,' the researchers wrote
  15. Not a small number of patients. Just turns out the number of patients in the vaxxed group or previous infected group both did well and few cases were reported in either group but natural immunity group performed better. To say this wasn't a large enough study is not the case. Model 1 compared 16,215 people in both the vaccinated and natural immunity groups and found that cases in the vaccinated group (n=238, 1.5%) were 13 fold more likely to experience a breakthrough infection than the natural immunity group (n=19, 0.12%). The majority of the cases were symptomatic. There were very few hospitalizations in either group with only 8 in the vaccine arm and 1 in the natural immunity arm. Model 2 compared 46,035 people in both the vaccinated and natural immunity groups, and found that cases in the vaccinated group (n=640, 1.4%) were 6-fold more likely to experience a breakthrough infection than the natural immunity group (n=108, 0.23%). The majority of the cases were symptomatic. There were very few hospitalizations in either group with only 21 in the vaccine arm and 4 in the natural immunity arm.
  16. It's not a slam dunk fact. It just adds to the case. Previous similar SARS infection and the longevity of natural immunity.
  17. I'd be on board with that but that's commonsense and according to many here actually doesn't follow the science.
  18. Is it cheaper? We haven't even seen the worst of supply chain issues if truckers and railroad workers start getting fired, strike or sick out when the mandate is forced upon them.
  19. That's also correct. Also, previous SARS infections have shown natural immunity conferred out several yrs likely due to this exact reason. It doesn't matter though to many here.
  20. Uh oh, that's what I've been saying. Guard your cornhole.
  21. Name calling. Very high level debate here. Although slightly higher level than the few wishing death upon me. So much anger and triggering.
  22. Boy you missed the point. Calling a human medication that has been life changing a "horse dewoermer or paste" is intellectual dishonesty but I understand why it's done in CR. Probably doesn't work or has a minor effect but to call it a horse dewormer is ridiculous. It's meant to discredit the people taking it as being insane and most just consume left media actually think people like Rogan were sucking on a tube of horse paste not knowing it was Rx'd by a doc in the human dosed form taken safely by millions for a long time. Are people taking certain antibiotics taking dog meds? It's so stupid.
  23. You feel good in your daily social justice cancelling effort? Did I violate your CR confirmation bias safe space? 🤣 I apologize for my logic micro-aggression.
  24. You are ignoring a very large scale study and once again Fauci can't even explain why people with natural immunity should get the vaccine. Y'all are just going to stick your head in the sand. Any data stating otherwise shall be ignored. There is a very logical argument to be made for people with natural immunity not being forced to take the vaccine but it violates the vaccine worship. Y'all should work on cancelling Fauci and Gupta.
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