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Everything posted by PassiveAggressiveCoach

  1. What is even a fraud these days? We are all frauds in some way. Very deep philosophical question the OP has presented us with. Good work. It's a duality of man question.
  2. Herman and strong sucked in their 1st yr too. Which analogy fits better?
  3. Was Colin Powell an anti vaxer? Covid is wiping them out. He should've got vaxed. Sad.
  4. Is it safe to say this is the worst line in Texas' history? That's saying a lot too.
  5. Sweet the Charlie/Herman types fans are back.
  6. The line is so fucking bad it wouldn't of mattered if VY was back there. Casey does suck though.
  7. see sand aggy for great comparison.
  8. I'm just excited to see if we can get 11am games the rest of the year.
  9. Someone had a tough game yesterday and this image is going viral. Shades of eating pizza. He isn't going to make the end of the season.
  10. Why are we screwing around with this team. They're bad.
  11. Obviously it isn't 100% run. You mix in passing to him in that. Then screens too to slow down the blitz. You're right though what we did worked great.
  12. Screen pass? We have that in the play book? 2 or 3 of those would've been nice
  13. That was the least of our problems although a fuck up.
  14. Game plan 2nd half. Bijan gets ball every play we score 6-10 points and grind a shit load of clock. It was truly that simple. Instead we get I dunno what. It was a mess. Where was the short pass game? Quick hits?
  15. You hand the ball off to Bijan at least 20 times in the 2nd half. Failure to do that is grounds for termination.
  16. Rolling over and showing our pussy. I saw this game once before when the oilers played the bills.
  17. The line is horrible and the right side is the anus.
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