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Posts posted by BayouBill

  1. 58 minutes ago, oSuJeff97 said:

    Just finished this last night. Was really good, but yeah not a ton of new ground.

    The only thing that I kind of left a bad taste in my mouth was the grandstanding by Bryant Gumble and the family friend guy (don't recall name) who were essentially stating that the public/fans were "looking for a reason" or "wanting" to "knock Tiger down" because.... black?  And then pissed because people cheered for him again when he got his shit together and won the Masters in 2019?

    That was kind of a big WTF? for me. I mean, I don't follow golf super close, but I've been following the sports world, in general, for quite some time.

    My recollection of how it all went down:

    1. Tiger was easily the most popular golfer in the world. Almost universally everyone reveled in him winning at a crazy/ridiculous pace.

    2. It was genuinely shocking when the shit about him banging whores came out and the Thanksgiving wreck thing happened.

    3. People were still cheering/rooting for him pretty fervently when he won a few more times after that.

    4. When he fucked up his back, got the DWI, etc., the sentiment was not, "yeah fuck that guy", it was  "fuck, this is a damn shame that the greatest golfer in the world fucked himself up in this way and hopefully he can come back."

    I have no recollection of people *wanting* Tiger to fail or being glad that he did. It's not like you had half of the country rooting against him like people root against Duke or the Yankees or whatever. I know there are people who were "Phil" guys or whatever, but golf is different from team sports and I just don't like hoards of fans *wanting* Tiger to fail... if anything people were mostly wanting him to beat Jack's record so they could see history.

    Am I wrong about my recollections? Again, I don't follow golf super close, but always pay attention to the majors and what not.

    I thought the same thing everytime they mentioned how people were wanting him to fail. Tiger always seemed like to me the ONE athlete that could fuck up in a huge way and all we wanted was for him to continue to be dominant.

  2. 23 minutes ago, Dbeasy said:

    Unfortunately almost every example of true success involves working like a dog, unless you are a government grifter, conman, or social influencer.

    Wait? Were not actually taking any of what this dude said as being true, are we??? That was the most fake shit I've ever read.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  3. 19 hours ago, MillerEP said:

    Walmart has me nervous now. The money showed back up in my bank account today, but their site still says the order is active, and pending shipping in Jan. I didn't get a cancellation notice or anything. So is this just one of those things where they'll charge me when it ships, or is something fishy going on?

    You should be good still. They apparently just want to make sure you have the funds first and then will put money back into account. Should show up again when it ships.

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