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    Football Idiot

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  1. Nice, his buyout today is $10M but will only be $1M in six months
  2. ...unless his dream team gets the #1 pick. But is that Dallas? hahah doubtful Hey, Dallas is in Texas and maybe he's a fan of the state of Texas in general.
  3. I'll see your Kim and raise you a Becky
  4. Carroll to Raiders... dude is 74 y/o! Is Gruden not going to get any interest from the Jerry?
  5. Thanks! I'll need to pay more attention to Lee now too.
  6. He's been looking stoned'ish in the last few pictures you've posted of him, where you're saying he's posting nominal stuff.
  7. Did you watch the interview? He clearly looked more tired than usual after a game. Not that I typically analyze his face or anything.
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